Issues, Campaigns and Government Relations

The National Union of Public and General Employees has started a petition for its members and the general public urging Prime Minister Stephen Harper not to shut down Parliament in order to avoid defeat in the Commons. You can sign the petition by clicking here.

The B.C. Federation of Labour and the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) are calling on British Columbians to support the proposed coalition government in order to ensure that Canada has a government prepared to deal with the economic crisis the country is facing. Canadians are worried about their jobs, their savings, and their future. Right now we need all of our...

Ottawa (1 Dec. 2008) ... The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) is supporting a Canada-wide campaign to back a coalition that could defeat the minority Harper government. NUPGE has joined a number of groups, including the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), to rally support across the country this week for a Liberal and NDP coalition after the Harper...

This December 1st, World AIDS Day, the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) wants to remind its members and all Canadians that working together we can make a difference in the lives of people living with AIDS. The National Union in particular wants to thank its members and their Component unions in working so hard to address the...

HSA is holding a non-partisan election campaign school for members who are interested in working on election campaigns or running for political office. The school will focus on the provincial election scheduled for May 12, 2009. If you want to help elect representatives who will support public health care and community social services, or are considering running for elected office...

Through the union's Committee for Equality and Social Action, HSA is supporting the "We Can" campaign to end violence against women. The campaign kicks off in Vancouver with a dinner November 25 featuring guest speakers Mona Mehta of Oxfam Great Britain, Sandra Moran, of Guatemala's Women's Sector of the Civil Society, and Robert Fox, executive director of Oxfam Canada. HSA...

Ottawa (19 Nov. 2008) ... Health professionals are calling todays speech from the throne a -huge disappointment" because it failed to address important issues facing Canadas health-care system. "Its clear from this throne speech that the Harper government doesnt view health care as a top priority and in fact seems to suggest the job is pretty much done," says Elisabeth...

During National Medicare Week the National Union is urging governments to look to the public system to deliver solutions to wait-time issues and health care shortages. Ottawa (17 Nov. 2008) - The Canadian Health Coalition and health coalitions across the country are marking November 17-22 as National Medicare Week. The National Union of Public and General Employees is supporting the...

The BC Health Coalition is urging citizens to take action to protectand expand public health care in their communities during NationalMedicare Week, November 17-22. -Ongoing violations of the Canada Health Act (CHA),such as private clinics extra-billing and costly membership fees, area threat to Canadians health and their pocketbooks," says Joyce Jones,Community Co-Chair of the Coalition. -Thats why were joiningwith thousands...

Obama's election provides an opportunity for progressive labour law reform in the U.S.Washington (10 Nov. 2008) - The election of Barack Obama as president is one of the few moments in recent years that organized labour in the United States has had something to cheer about.Obama has promised to sign the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) if passed by the...