
Educational Objective: To explore the issue of social justice and some of the efforts HSA and its partners are undertaking to bring about just conditions both locally and globally. This year’s one-day workshop is February 17th from 9 am - 4 pm and will focus on the connection between local social justice movements and local politics. Target Audience: All members...

As the deadline for paying college registration fees approaches, HSA is advising RPN members to submit receipts for registration or renewal of their college fees as proof of eligibility for damages payment by the Nurses Bargaining Association. The damages that are being put toward the fees paid to the CRPNBC arise out of compensation paid by the employer for failure...

This year, Regional Director elections will take place in Regions 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9. All HSA members in these regions are encouraged to put their name forward for these important positions. To be eligible, members must be employed in a chapter and have been a member of HSA for at least one year immediately prior to election. Candidates...

HSA’s 2017 Annual Convention will include an election for the position of president. The two-year term begins at the adjournment of the 2017 convention. The President is HSA’s senior elected officer, and acts as the CEO of the union, overseeing the union’s day to day operations, including staffing and budget management. The President is the union’s primary spokesperson and ensures...

On Friday December 9, 2016, the provincial government announced a proposal to establish a new college of diagnostic and therapeutic health professions. Many HSA members would be included in the new college. Professional associations representing members from several health science professional disciplines have for several years advocated for a regulatory college or colleges to oversee their members’ practice. The new...

HSA support available to run or work in May 9, 2017 provincial election Printer-friendly bulletin for posting. HSA members throughout the province who are running for office or working in the upcoming provincial election may apply to HSA for financial support from HSA’s Political Action Fund. 1. Members who are candidates may apply for up to 30 days of wage...

Political Action Fund support for members to work on issue-based campaigns and attend political action training With a provincial election coming up, there are several grassroots, issue-based campaigns that members may want to work on, as well as opportunities to attend training to work on these campaigns or to work on candidate/party election campaigns. Members may apply for up to...

The Community Social Services Employers Association and Community Social Services Barganining Association Committee has been working jointly to determine necessary wage adjustments, which are scheduled for April 1, 2017 and April 1, 2018. The wage grids for 2017, including the Economic Stability Dividend and General Wage Increase, will be released shortly. The committee reviewed all 62 benchmarks and agreed to...

Printer-friendly version.Starting with the first pay period after February 1, 2017, most HSA members can expect a pay increase of 0.35% over and above the 5.5% increase rolling out over the life of the current contract. This increase is the result of the Economic Stability Dividend, a feature of the current agreement which requires the government to increase negotiated wages...

Important information about bc government changes that affect your drug coverage plan The BC Government has announced that the Reference Drug Program, which forms part of the provincial PharmaCare plan, will be expanding effective December 1, 2016. What this means for all HSA members who work under public sector contracts (HSPBA, NBA, CSSEA, CBA) is that some medications which are...