
On Monday, the Vancouver Sun devoted front-page coverage to HSA's efforts to stop attacks on RPNs: http://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/violent-assaults-on-nurses-by-p… Abbotsford Regional Hospital has experienced 62 acts of violence against staff between 2008 and March 2015. That's when a nurse was savagely beaten in the ER, generating provincial media coverage. Fraser Health Authority responded with a review that led, in July 2015, to...

With flu season around the corner, HSA members are reminded of the provincial influenza control policy in effect in BC. In spite of changes in other provinces, the flu prevention policy in BC has not changed, and health care workers who choose not to be vaccinated have options available to them, including wearing a surgical mask. Health care workers must...

One of Canada's best labour schools, held at Harrison Hot Springs, in January and February 2017 The CLC Winter School offers a wide variety of week-long, quality labour oriented courses. To support HSA's ability to represent HSA members effectively and help build a stronger union, members can apply to take courses chosen to meet these objectives. For dates and course...

Stewards are union representatives who offer support and advice to members. They play an essential role within HSA and the workplace by advocating for members, keeping members informed of union activities and providing democratic leadership. HSA provides training and ongoing support for members elected to these positions. Elections will be held in many HSA chapters during the coming few weeks...

HSA has contracted with Viewpoints Research to conduct a survey to find out more about how HSA members feel about how their union responds to concerns and communicates important information. The survey will include questions related to contract negotiations, workload, member communications and other current issues. The survey will be conducted on line. Members will receive email invitations starting October...

Space is still available in HSA's 2-day, non-partisan election campaign school for members who are interested in working on election campaigns or running for political office. The school will focus on opportunities for HSA members to be involved in the May 2017 provincial election, but will also touch on municipal and federal elections. If you want to help elect representatives...

HSA's member professions play an incredibly important role in modern health care and community social services. But it's not an easy story to tell. On TV, doctors and nurses are everywhere, often depicted doing the specialized work of pharmacists, lab technologists, radiation technologists, social workers, counsellors and other key professionals in health care and community social services. The public needs...

Your elected HSA representatives and staff have been hard at work since the union's 45th convention in May. The upcoming regional meetings will be a good opportunity to provide updates on that work, and a chance for stewards and other activists to connect and discuss the issues in your region. In preparation for those meetings, please take a few minutes...

Members have told HSA that workload issues caused by shortages of key health science professionals have reached critical levels. In a series of surveys conducted over the summer, members from across BC and a range of professions expressed concern that workload was making it difficult to deliver quality care, and leaving patients waiting too long for important procedures. To address...

You're invited to join with HSA and other labour unions as part of the Multi-Union Pride group in the Vancouver Pride Parade on Sunday, July 31, 2016. Arrive between 12 and 12:30 pm. Marching is open to all HSA members, their families and friends. We will meet on Thurlow Street, between Robson and Haro, by 12:15 pm at the latest...