
HSA Region 1 Supervisors! You are invited to an HSA Supervisors in the union workshop in Nanaimo DATE: Thursday, November 30, 2017 TIME: 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (breakfast served at 8:30 am) PLACE: Best Western Dorchester Hotel - 70 Church Street, Nanaimo ROOM: Stratford Room Summary: HSA is unique in terms of the number of supervisors who are included...

Are you affected by precarious work – employment that is insecure, unprotected, lacking in regular work and/or benefits, and that cannot support a family? Your union – Health Sciences Association of BC (HSA) -- , the Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA), and the Community Social Services Employers’ Association (CSSEA) are working together to study the extent of precarious work...

HSA Advanced Courses: Chief Steward Training Chief and Assistant Chief Steward Training Objective This 1 day specialized training is for Chief Stewards and Assistant Chief Stewards. As leaders in your chapter, you have some additional opportunities, responsibilities, and challenges. The goal of this workshop is to identify and discuss your role both within the Union structure and with the Employer...

REGIONS 1 and 2 HSA Welcomes you to Register for a Workshop on Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace DATE: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 TIME: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm PLACE: The Coast Victoria Hotel and Marina - 146 Kingston Street, Victoria, BC Registration closes on January 29, 2018 or earlier if it reaches class maximum. Please join us...

2018 Canadian Labour Congress Winter School One of Canada's best labour schools, held at Harrison Hot Springs, in January and February 2018 The CLC Winter School offers a wide variety of week-long, quality labour oriented courses. To support HSA's ability to represent HSA members effectively and help build a stronger union, members can apply to take courses chosen to meet...

To register for this workshop please go to http://events.hsabc.org/ WHEN Jan 31, 20188:30 am - 9:00 am Breakfast9:00 am - 5:00 pm Workshop Where HSA Training room AGENDA8:30 am - 12 pmPsychological Health and SafetyMany workplaces where HSA members work are required to implement the CSA Standard on Psychosocially Healthy and Safe Workplaces. Others will do so willingly or because...

HSA Basic Steward/OH&S Training Dates 2018 Registration Information: Stewards may register by logging into My Events Registration. Workshops are listed under Steward Education events. Basic Steward Training Stewards play a vital role in the union. Particularly important is the steward's role in contract interpretation, organizing and the grievance procedure. In recognition of the need for educating new stewards in these...

HSA has contracted with Viewpoints Research to conduct a survey to find out more about member priorities related to contract negotiations, workload, member communications and other current issues. The survey will be conducted on line. Members will receive email invitations starting October 2, and the survey will be open until October 28. It takes 8-12 minutes to complete. Your participation...

Unions and the labour movement are a huge force for positive change for union members, workers and society as a whole. We owe everything from safe worksites, paid vacations, pensions, universal health care and much more to our unions. Come out and celebrate everything we have achieved, and that we continue to work for, together in the labour movement. Solidarity...

HELP COMMUNITIES AFFECTED BY WILDFIRE In communities across BC, thousands of people are suffering BC’s worst forest fire season in many years. Health care professionals, including members of HSA, have stepped up by asking how they can work to help their colleagues deliver health in affected regions. The Ministry of Health, working with HealthLink BC, has responded by creating a...