
The next HSA Annual Convention will take place April 18-20, 2013 at the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver. All HSA members are welcome to attend and speak at the convention. However, only delegates have the right to vote. For chapters with 49 or fewer members, the HSA chief steward is the sole delegate. If the chief steward is not attending convention, an...

In 2005, David Bland -- a vocational rehabilitation counsellor and HSA member from Richmond Mental Health -- was murdered at his workplace by a former client. His tragic death served as a sombre reminder that more needs to be done to prevent incidents of violence in the workplace and to protect health care and social services workers on the job...

Space is still available in HSAs 2-day, non-partisan election campaign school. This will be the last campaign school offered by HSA before the May 2013 provincial election, so members planning to work on this election are encouraged to apply. This workshop is designed for members with little or no experience in electoral politics, but who are interested in working on...

In 2005, David Bland -- a vocationalrehabilitation counsellor and HSA member from Richmond Mental Health -- wasmurdered at his workplace by a former client. His tragic death served asa sombre reminder that more needs to be done to prevent incidents of violencein the workplace and to protect health care and social services workers on thejob. Tohonour David, the HSA board...

This year, Regional Director elections will take place in Regions 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. All HSA members in these regions are encouraged to put their name forward for these important positions.Directors meet, on average, every six weeks and take an active leadership role in representing the union. They receive wage replacement for the time they spend in official...

Bargaining for the Community Health Services and Support sector reconvenes on Monday, January 7 in Vancouver following a break over the holidays. Members in the sector have been in bargaining for a year. There will be no job action this week, but if an agreement cannot be reached by the end of next week, rotating strike action will recommence starting...

In the largest job actions undertaken since rotating strikes began two months ago, community social services workers at more than 20 agencies rallied support for a fair deal throughout the week of December 10. As job actions swept across the island ... from Campbell River to Parksville, Courtenay, Nanaimo, and Victoria ... striking workers from HSA, HEU, CUPE, and BCGEU...

Printer-friendly version The strike was working. Why did it get called off?Two days of rotating job action, and the prospect of more, got the governments attention. Veteran mediator Vince Ready was brought in by mutual agreement of the parties. We were seeing some real movement on some long-standing issues, and were optimistic we could clear the table of those issues...

HSA is offering scholarships and bursaries to all members and their children. Ten scholarships will be awarded for full-time studies, twenty bursaries for full-time studies and four bursaries for part-time studies. Two aboriginal scholarships will be awarded to aboriginal students in BC. The criteria and details are set out on the application forms (below). Completed application forms and transcripts must...

Thursday saw the largest strike action undertaken by Community Social Services workers since they began rotating job actions almost two months ago. Workers from thirteen agencies are off the job December 13, sending a strong message to government: stop putting vulnerable families last, and provide the resources needed to improve wages and working conditions. A multi-union event took place from...