2007: News Archive

A recent Labour Relations Board (LRB) decision makes it more difficult for Community Living BC (CLBC) to dismantle the group home model and de-unionize the community living sub-sector community social services sector. On May 18 the LRB dismissed an application filed by CLBC requesting the LRB to issue a declaratory opinion on the definition of "family home provider" under the...

The BC Summer Institute for Union Women offers an intensive week of learning within a supportive environment where union women can develop skills as workers, activists and leaders. The Institute will be held at the University of Victoria in beautiful Victoria, BC. The Institute celebrates the solidarity of union women across boundaries of age, race and nation. It is designed...

The Vancouver Women's Health Collective will mark May 28, the International Day of Action for Women's Health, with a "Conversation on Women's Health." Participants will discuss women's health issues, including the determinants of health such as housing and livable incomes. The women-only event will be held at Heritage Hall (3102 Main St. Vancouver). The day begins at 9:45 a.m. and...

The final version of the 2006-2010 Collective Agreement between the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association and the Health Employers Association of B.C. has been delivered to employers throughout the province for distribution. Employers have accepted responsibility for distribution of the contract to members. If you have not yet received a copy of your collective agreement, please be in touch with...

A new research study at the University of British Columbia is looking for healthcare workers who have experienced a workplace injury or other incident resulting in acute pain and who have registered in a PEARS program within Fraser Health Authority or Vancouver Island Health Authority. Participants identities will be kept strictly confidential, and neither the participants employer nor any PEARS...

During the next several weeks, HSA members in Region 5 will have an opportunity to elect a new representative to the HSA Board of Directors. HSA opened nominations following the election of former Region 5 Director, Reid Johnson as HSA President at the 36th annual convention in April. Nominations for the position closed on May 15, 2007 with two members...

Dr. Jacky Davis, founder of the UK's Save our NHS. The BC Health Coalition, along with Canadian Doctors for Medicare, Oxfam and the Council of Canadians, today launched Friends of Medicare, a campaign to protect and improve public health care in B.C. -Were hearing from people throughout the province that what our health care system needs is positive, public solutions...

BC Health Coalition launches Friends of Medicare campaign, calls for positive, public solutions to health care challenges This week, the BC Health Coalition, along with Canadian Doctors for Medicare, Oxfam and the Council of Canadians, will officially launch its Friends of Medicare campaign. Focused on strengthening universal medicare in B.C., the coalition will expand its work with citizens across the...

It's a fact - improving public health care is within our means. Find out how. The Nelson and Area Society for Health, the Council of Canadians and the BC Health Coalition invite you to a Public Solutions Forum. Tuesday, May 227:00 p.m.717 Vernon Street, Nelson Printer-friendly poster.

More than 600 delegates gathered on May 3 and 4 in the birthplace of the nation's Medicare system -- Regina, Saskatchewan -- to unite behind Tommy Douglas' vision for public health care. The conference S.O.S. Medicare 2: Looking Forward, brought together a stunning array of leading health care thinkers, providers, and activists in Canada, the U.S., and abroad. Delegates included...