2008: News Archive

More than 150 Canadian and international guests will meet Nov. 19-21 in Ottawa to discuss how labour rights are a critical component of human rights, helping to protect and promote democracy as well as the social and economic wellbeing of citizens. The international symposium, entitled Labour Rights are Human Rights, is being organized by four of Canadas largest labour organizations...

The Canadian Museum for Human Rights received a big boost to its fundraising campaign this week with a $170,000 donation on behalf of the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) and four of its Component unions. The donation was announced at the 60th convention of the Manitoba Government and General Employees Union (MGEU/NUPGE) which was held October 24-25...

Municipal elections will be held across the province on November 15. The BC Health Coalition is calling on all municipal candidates to declare themselves public health care defenders! Take action now and download the BCHC Candidate Pledge to give to your local candidates, either in person, by e-mail or by fax. If they return it to the BCHC by October...

Generalvoting will be held on Wednesday, October 29 in 2 by-elections in theprovincial constituencies of Vancouver-Fairview and Vancouver-Burrard. Polls are open that day from 8:00 am to 8:00pm. HSA members who live in theseconstituencies are urged to vote in these critical by-elections. Section 74of the BC Election Act states thatemployees are entitled to 4 consecutive hours on October 29 for...

The CLC Winter School offers a wide variety of week-long, quality labour orientated courses. Past HSA participants have rated the courses and the experience highly. The school offers an opportunity to meet people from other unions and workplaces across BC. To support HSAs ability to represent HSA members effectively and to help build a stronger union, members and/or stewards can...

There is still room available in the two-day OH&S Steward Training workshop on December 1 & 2, 2008. Please register as soon as possible if you are interested in attending this workshop. OH&S Steward Training:December 1 and 2, 2008 Eligible stewards should print a pre-registration form off the HSA websiteat www.hsabc.rog (go to Member Services, then Education) and return it...

BC Health Coalition NOVEMBER 5, 2008 - FREE PUBLIC EVENT: Who's Minding the Store? The privatization of long-term care and what it means for care qualityWednesday Nov. 5th - 7-9 pmUnitarian Church - 949 W. 49th Avenue, Vancouver With speakers: Charlene Harrington, professor and researcher Dr. Margaret McGregor, family physician and health services researcher Lyne England, advocacy activist from VictoriaSponsored...

Oct. 22 marks the seventh annual day of appreciation for child care workers and early childhood educators Ottawa (17 Oct. 2008) ... The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) is joining with Canadians across the country in acknowledging the contributions made by child care workers and early childhood educators in the development of children, families and communities. The...

On October 14, 2008 Canadians will head to the polls to elect a new federal government. The Members of Parliament we elect can have a huge impact on the health care and community social services that HSA members provide. HSA urges members to examine the positions of the parties on these issues, and to vote for candidates who will support...

Elections will be held during the next 2 months to select members to fill the following HSA positions for the coming year: 1. Chief Steward2. Assistant Chief Steward3. General Stewards4. Occupational Health & Safety Stewards and5. Labour Council Delegates (for chapters that are affiliated to their local labour council) Stewards play an essential role within HSA and the workplace. All...