2012: News Archive

The Report: June 2012 vol.33 num.2 HSA WORKS TO RAISE THE PROFILE OF THE WORK YOU DO. Thats one of the most important objectives of your union. Its a long-term plan members have asked us to invest in through the advertising campaigns we do every year, and these campaigns are already making a difference. But the general public is not...

The Report: June 2012 vol.33 num.2 HSA AND ITS PHARMACIST MEMBERS have forced the government to back down on a plan to slash salaries for pharmacists by up to 14 per cent. The plan, announced without warning in January, would have eliminated a market adjustment for pharmacists introduced in 2006 to address chronic issues of recruitment and retention. HSA immediately...

The Report: June 2012 vol.33 num.2 DELEGATES ATTENDING HSAS 41ST ANNUAL CONVENTION rejected proposals to switch to a biennial convention, discussed the challenges of the current bargaining climate and debated solutions to a long-standing problem with a long-term disability trust just over 200 members. -Every day you go to work to serve others, to make a difference," said President Reid...

The Report: June 2012 vol.33 num.2 NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY LEADER ADRIAN DIX told HSA delegates his party is committed to building a stronger provincial health care system in order to build prosperity in British Columbia. -We have to respond to the challenges of the public health care system in the 21st century thats under attack from Ottawa and under attack...

WHAT IS THE HSA CONTRACT? Collective agreements that govern the working conditions and compensation for HSA members working in the public sector expired on March 31, 2011. The union is working now on behalf of HSA members to negotiate new collective agreements. Until new collective agreements are reached, the terms and conditions of the expired agreements continue. In the public...

Negotiations continue at the Health Science Professionals, Nursing, Community Health, and Community Social Services bargaining tables, but there is limited progress to report. Jeanne Meyers, Chief Negotiator for the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association and HSAs executive director of legal and labour relations, said all four bargaining tables in the health and community social services sectors report slow negotiations. In...

AIDS Vancouver has announced details for this years International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, one of the worlds oldest and largest grassroots mobilization campaigns for HIV awareness in the world. Date: Sunday May 20th, 8 PM Place: Alexandra Park, 1755 Beach Avenue (at Bidwell) Started in 1983, the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial takes place every third Sunday in May and is led...

Community Social Services bargaining resumed for the week of April 30, with limited progress. The union bargaining committee ... the Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) ... is continuing to make the case for a fair and reasonable deal at the bargaining table, including a wage increase. The committee is also pushing back on concessionary demands by the employer.The multi-union...

The Community Bargaining Association (CBA) met this week in Vancouver to exchange and discuss proposals with the Health Employers Association of British Columbia (HEABC). The parties discussed issues and exchanged amendments to previously tabled proposals. The CBA tabled counter proposals related to union rights. HEABC tabled a health and safety proposal and provided the CBA bargaining committee with a presentation...