News & Updates

Hospital patients, doctors, and health workers are signing a petition calling for health employers to rescind its announced wage roll back for clinical pharmacists. -Through the pharmacists daily activities of ensuring appropriate drug selection, dosing, and administration, patients throughout our hospital are spared drug treatment failures, misadventures, and adverse effects," the petition says. -The pharmacists activities in medication reconciliation and...

Community social services workers are passionate about the people we support and the community-based services we provide. Thats why your bargaining association is asking all community social services members to wear the colour red to work on Monday (February 27), as the unions representing BCs 15,000 community social services workers return to the table to begin the next round of...

Daily Courier (Kelowna / Vernon) On Jan. 6, the Health Employers Association of B.C. suddenly announced a unilateral 9-14 per cent wage rollback for B.C.'s hospital pharmacists. The rollback is certain to aggravate an ongoing staffing shortage in B.C.'s hospital pharmacies, putting all British Columbians at risk. For years, hospitals across B.C. have been suffering critical recruitment and retention problems...

HSA President Reid Johnson, in Victoria today for the unveiling of the 2012 provincial budget, said the Liberal government ‘s budget plan has failed to address the needs of British Columbians. -Instead of trying to kick-start the provinces economy with tax credits for a few wealthy first-time homebuyers and promises of less red tape for business, the BC government should...

Thursday, March 8, 2012HSA Office, Vancouver HSA invites women members to participate in a workshop that combines celebrating International Womens Day and in-house HSA training. Part of the goal this day is to: • raise awareness about womens issues and achievements;• provide connections with groups working in the broader womens movement;• develop and strengthen relationships with labour and community organizations...

HSPBA, the union bargaining association that represents physiotherapists and occupational therapists delivering crucial patient services at Vancouver Coastal Health Authority hospitals and agencies, is speaking out against a proposed restructuring that threatens to affect the quality of services delivered to patients. Under the restructured program, the Health Authority proposes to eliminate certain supervisory positions that oversee staff and student performance...

Nanaimo Daily News

Ten years ago, a survey of BC ultrasound technologists found 91% of them had suffered work-related injuries at some point in their careers. Medical literature still says 80% of sonographers seek medical treatment for musculoskeletal injuries, 17% miss work due to the symptoms of their injuries, and 15% reduce their duties to recover. The Health Sciences Association of BC teamed...

Unions in the Community Bargaining Association (CBA) are disappointed by the pace of talks so far with the Health Employers Association of BC (HEABC) after a second week of negotiations in Vancouver. The CBA has tabled housekeeping proposals, language on bullying and harassment, live-in and overnight shifts as well as proposals to renew many of the existing Memorandum of Agreements...