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The B.C. Federation of Labour and the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) are calling on British Columbians to support the proposed coalition government in order to ensure that Canada has a government prepared to deal with the economic crisis the country is facing. Canadians are worried about their jobs, their savings, and their future. Right now we need all of our...

The National Union of Public and General Employees has started a petition for its members and the general public urging Prime Minister Stephen Harper not to shut down Parliament in order to avoid defeat in the Commons. You can sign the petition by clicking here.

The Report: December 2008 vol.29 num.5 by LAURA BUSHEIKIN onique had never had a serious injury before. Shed put herself through college by working as a food server, and although shed often ended up with sore feet and an ache in her lower back, shed been told that sort of thing was just part of the job. So when she...

The Report: December 2008 vol.29 num.5 I am a part-time dietitian working for the Northern Health Authority under the Health Science Professionals contract. My mother has passed away, and I need to travel to Ontario to be with my family and help with funeral arrangements. How much compassionate time am I allowed? Do I need to provide a death certificate...

The Report: December 2008 vol.29 num.5 by BEV PAUSCHE lison -Ali" Gaul, a child life specialist and mother of two young children, ran for council in Esquimalt November 15, winning a spot on council to represent her community. On two of Novembers wettest days, Gaul was out door knocking in Esquimalt, surprising many residents with her determination and energy. -Lots...

The Report: December 2008 vol.29 num.5 by YUKIE KURAHASHI hen the phone rings in the night, it might be the police. Or a social worker. Or the hospital where an abused woman has been admitted for treatment. -And a lot of times the women call themselves ... often just to talk," says Julie McKee, a night-time counsellor at Victoria Womens...

The Report: December 2008 vol.29 num.5 by REID JOHNSON rganizing to Win. That was the theme of this years BC Federation of Labour convention held in Vancouver at the end of November. Much of the convention focused on the ways our labour movement is working to bring issues important to working people into our everyday interactions and discussions with our...

The Report: December 2007 / January 2008 vol.28 num.6 by YUKIE KURAHASHI hen she answers the door to her suburban Victoria home, her facelights up. She seems just as shes always been: lively, with thatmischievous light in her eyes. But former HSA board member JennyRobertson is facing new challenges. An occupational therapist is just heading out the door, saying her...

The Report: December 2007 / January 2008 vol.28 num.6by LAURA BUSHEIKIN ean Lee was an HSA member for 18 years without giving much thought towhat she could do for the union, or what it could do for her. -I had no clue," says Lee ruefully. This changed radically last February when Lee reluctantly accepted the position of General Steward for...

The Report: December 2007 / January 2008 vol.28 num.6by MIRIAM SOBRINO his question about regional seniority arose from discussions at a regional meeting held this fall on Vancouver Island. I understand that it was mandated by the union over ten years ago to pursue a provincial wide seniority list, allowing members to travel to any hospital in the province. What...