News & Updates

Date: Monday, October 28, 2024 Time: 9am - 4:30pm PST Location: Inn at the Quay, New Westminster, BC Prerequisite: HSA’s Basic Steward Training Workshop This workshop trains participants to do basic social justice interventions in the workplace to combat bullying and harassment, outside the grievance process. It begins with an overview of social justice principles like diversity, inclusion, equity, and...

Date: Wednesday, October 2, 2024 Time: 9am - 4:30pm PST Location: Virtual via Zoom Prerequisite: HSA’s Basic Steward Training workshop This one-day workshop is for stewards to review their role in meetings with management, and their role as advocates for HSA members. We will share strategies for how to resolve contract violations in your workplace. Participants can expect lots of...

Here’s the latest news that you should know about the transition to the new classification system for health science professionals. Highlights: • The new classification system won’t take effect until either later this year or early in 2025 – this date is part of ongoing discussions with the employer, and we’ll update you when the date is confirmed. • Scroll...

Each year in Canada, one in five people will experience a mental health problem or illness. Over a lifetime, that number increases to one in three. The cost of mental health problems or illness costs our economy more than 51 billion dollars. Date: October 16, 2024 Time: 9am to 4:30pm PST Location: Virtual via Zoom This workshop provides participants with...

Registration Information: Stewards may register by logging into My Events Registration. Workshops are listed under Steward Education events. Basic Steward Training (three-day workshop) Stewards play a vital role in the union. This workshop will teach new stewards the skills to enable them to serve confidently in their role. Workshop content includes the role of the steward, organizing your chapter, grievance...

Earlier this year, on January 19, many members working in medical imaging transferred from Vancouver Coastal Health Authority (VCHA) to Fraser, Providence and Provincial Health Services authorities as part of a VCHA plan to reverse 13 years of consolidating operations of diagnostic imaging services. In response to this decision, HSA negotiated a labour adjustment plan protecting members’ rights to ensure...

June 14, 2024 Update: Pacific Blue cross has informed members that Pacific Blue Cross will be postponing the upcoming AGM, originally scheduled for June 19, 2024, to a later date, yet to be determined. This includes all associated processes, including the Directors Election. HSA members have fought hard for our extended health benefits, and to access them we rely on...

Date: September 23-24, 2024 Time: 9am to 4:30pm, one hour for lunch Location: Virtual via Zoom Supervisors were some of the founding members of HSA when the union was first organized, and HSA is unique in terms of the number of supervisors who are included in the union. This workshop is for HSA supervisors who want to learn more about...

Our national union, NUPGE, released the following statement on Friday, June 7, 2024: Health care professionals, who are members of the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE), gathered in Saskatoon for a 2-day meeting to discuss and strategize about the challenges of Canada’s health care system. The backdrop for these conversations is the historic Bessborough hotel, where the...

Rolling out this fall at three sites, the pilot program acknowledges that current statutory holidays do not reflect the diversity of health care and social services in BC One of the most exciting aspects of the 2022-2025 Health Sciences Professional Bargaining Association Collective Agreement is a Memorandum of Agreement (“MOA”) for a Days of Cultural or Religious Significance Pilot Project...