News & Updates

At a national conference this weekend, the Canadian Association of Labour Media awarded its highest honour to The Report, the magazine for HSA members. The Report won "Best Overall Publication" demonstrating the best combined use of writing, graphics, design, and editorial content and judgement. The category includes all local, provincial, and national union publications produced by staff, including federations of...

Dates: Friday, June 12 (Vancouver - HSA office) FULLTuesday, June 16 (Vancouver ... HSA office)Thursday, June 18 (Victoria ... Hotel Grand Pacific) The June 12 workshop is now full. Another workshop has been added for Tuesday, June 16 at the HSA office. HSA members who work in a supervisory role will have the opportunity to attend a one-day workshop in...

Tuesday, May 12 is BCs provincial Election Day. Polls are open that day from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Pacific Daylight Time). All HSA members are urged to vote in this critical election. Right to time off Section 74 of BCs Election Act states that any employee who is entitled to vote is entitled to have four consecutive hours free...

In recent years, HSA activists at Mission Memorial Hospital have spearheaded efforts to call attention to a possible cancer cluster at their workplace. The employer, HSA, and The Occupational Heath and Safety Agency for Healthcare (OHSAH) participated in a lengthy process on this topic. Following this investigation of the site, OHSAH is now conducting a survey of past and current...

HSA encourages all members to take precautions and ensure safety. The National Unions website outlines the necessary steps and equipment required for health-care workers to appropriately plan and protect themselves. Keep checking HSAs website at for updates as they become available; the union is continuing to coordinate with the health authorities, Occupational Health and Safety Agency for Healthcare (OHSAH)...

HSA members are urged to vote in the provincial election. The outcome of this election will have a profound effect on the health care and community services our members provide, as well as other public services that our families, friends and communities rely on. Eligible voters may vote on the general voting day, May 12, or may vote on any...

Health care workers providing direct care ... in the same room or in close contact ... to SRI patients are advised to wear properly fit-tested N-95 respirators The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) is urging health care workers and members of the public to take note of concerns raised by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)...

HSA is offering two one-day workshops this Summer: Dates: Friday, June 12 (Vancouver - HSA office)Thursday, June 18 (Victoria ... Hotel Grand Pacific) HSA members who work in a supervisory role will have the opportunity to attend a one-day workshop in either Vancouver at the HSA office or Victoria at the Hotel Grand Pacific. Supervisors have particular concerns and needs...

On Tuesday May 12, 2009 citizens of British Columbia will head to the polls and vote for their representative in the legislature. The BC Health Coalition urges everyone to ask your candidate where they stand on the key public health care issues in your community - and to vote for the candidate who supports public health care and public innovation...

The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) is calling on the Canadian government to appoint special prosecutors to step up enforcement of laws to protect workers on the job. In conjunction with observances marking the 25th National Day of Mourning for workers killed and injured on the job in Canada, NUPGE president James Clancy has written to Rob...