News & Updates

OTTAWA — To mark National Medicare Week, November 18-24, the Canadian Health Coalition and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives are launching a new book entitled Medicare: Facts, Myths, Problems, Promise. The book is based on contributions to a remarkable conference ... S.O.S. Medicare 2: Looking Forward. The conference, held at the University of Regina, was inspired by Tommy Douglas...

After the deadline for nominations passed at a meeting November 19 with only one nomination, Faith Uchida has been acclaimed as the HSA Chief Steward at Vancouver Hospital for the term of one year. As a result, the scheduled voting will not be held November 21.

I want to share with you our latest effort in the Campaign to increase BC's minimum wage and win a long overdue pay raise for 250,000 low paid workers. $10 NOW: BC Workers Need a Raise is a short video piece where working people talk about why our minimum wage needs to be increased. It's just been posted on You...

HSA members at Vancouver General Hospital are encouraged to participate in the election of a chief steward, assistant chief stewards, occupational health and safety stewards and general stewards. In order to allow as much participation as possible, two days have been set for voting: Date: Monday, November 19Time: 12 noon - 12:30 p.m. - nominations of stewards 12:30 - 1:30...

The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) has released the fifth and sixth in its ongoing series of Pensions Backgrounders. The publications are designed for union activists seeking educational material to build their knowledge base and skill level around critical issues in the field of pensions. How Much Pension will an Individual Need? examines how much income an...

HSA President Reid Johnson responds to Province editorial on the escalating costs of pharmaceuticals. Read the letter here.

The 3rd CLC Pension Conference attracted over 300 activists and experts to Ottawa last week ... making it one of our best-attended conferences, and with good reason. The future of secure pensions for working people is something unions have always held as a top priority. Delegates were treated to a wide variety of leading pension experts and a thorough line-up...

There isstill room available in the two-day OH&S Steward Training workshop on November26 & 27, 2007. Please register as soon as possible if you are interested inattending this workshop. OH&S Steward Training: November 26 and 27, 2007 Eligiblestewards should print a pre-registrationform and return it to the HSA Office(Attention: Karin Herbert) as soon aspossible. HSA will call you to confirmyour...

The Report: November 2007 vol.28 num.5 by REID JOHNSON t the end of October, I wrapped up my first series of annual RegionalMeetings. The Regional Meetings are an opportunity for me, and forboard members, to meet for a full day with stewards from workplaces inall ten HSA regions around the province, and to learn about the issuesthat are most important...

The Report: November 2007 vol.28 num.5 n the last column, we outlined your privacy rights when an employerasks for proof after missed work due to illness. This time, we take alook at a similar issue: when an employee is entitled to workplaceaccommodation due to disability or health issue, how much medicalinformation must be disclosed ? Im returning to work after...