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The Report: June / July 2008 vol.29 num.2by REID JOHNSON he actions of the Liberal government in the spring sitting of the legislature should serve as a reminder to all of us why it is important to pay attention to what happens in Victoria.Two pieces of legislation were pushed through that restrict the ability to comment on election issues at...

'Profound change is essential if people living with mental illness are to receive the help they need and deserve.' - James ClancyOttawa (26 May 2008) - The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) has presented a 14-page brief to the Mental Health Commission of Canada recommending broad change in four key areas ... the national public health care...

Ottawa (28 May 2008) - Canada desperately needs an effective strategic national plan to train more health professionals, says the Canadian Health Professionals Secretariat (CHPS). "Otherwise, efforts to improve access and modernize the system will fail," secretariat co-chair Elisabeth Ballermann told the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health Tuesday. See full brief here. Ballermann also emphasized in her brief...

The B.C. Federation of Labour is renewing its call on the Campbell government to kill Bill 42. Bowing to widespread and sustained public criticism, Attorney General Wally Oppal this morning presented minor amendments to Bill 42. "The Campbell government wanted to gag free speech rights for five months, now they want to gag free speech for three months," said B.C...

The Kamloops and District Labour Council offers a unique opportunity for working people and community people to come together fora discussion around local and regional municipal election isues. The Think Community Forum will be held Tuesday, June 10 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Clock Tower Theatre and Thompson Rivers University. Discussion group topics include: urban development, job creation...

The BC Summer Institute for Union Women offers an intensive week of learning within a supportive environment where union women can develop skills as workers, activists and leaders. The Institute will be held from July 9 to 13, 2008, at the University of Victoria in beautiful Victoria, BC. The Institute celebrates the solidarity of union women across boundaries of age...

HSA has joined a number of other B.C. public-sector unions in their call on the Liberal government to withdraw legislation that severely restricts public-interest advertising and communication in the five months leading up to the May 2009 provincial election. Bill 42, the Election Amendment Act, would eliminate the kind of information campaigns about service cuts launched by the labour movement...

Inside PEARS, the quarterly newsletter of the Prevention and Early Active Return to Work Safely program of the Occupational Health and Safety Agency for Healthcare in B.C., has been released. You can read it here.

Ottawa (8 May 2008) ... Representatives of the Canadian Health Professionals Secretariat (CHPS) gathered in Ottawa recently to assess public policy and labour relations developments over the last six months and to map the course ahead for Canadas health professionals. Among the issues covered during the May 1-2 meeting was an overriding concern about the significant and growing shortage of...

The B.C. Federation of Labour is pleased to announce its Young Workers Conference May 30 and June 1 at Camp Jubilee. The conference is open to new and experienced young worker activists and is part of an action plan developed to encourage participation in the labour movement. The B.C. Federation of Labour is committed to identifying support and engaging more...