News & Updates

B.C. Federation of Labour President Jim Sinclair against a backdrop of 188 replica coffins remembering the workers killed on the job in B.C. in 2005. Hundreds of union members participated in a solemn procession through the streets of downtown Vancouver carrying 188 replica coffins to remember the 188 workers -- including 11 young workers -- killed on the job in...

Members of the Community Bargaining Association have voted 97 per cent in favour of ratifying a new four-year collective agreement that includes wage increases, protection against contracting out, improved health and safety provisions, and early signing bonuses of up to $4,200. -Theres a small measure of justice in the settlement, given that workers were forced to accept wage rollbacks in...

HSA is calling for nominations for the position of Regional Director for Region 1, following the resignation of Kelly Finlayson. Kelly has served on the unions board of directors for eleven years including ten years as HSAs vice-president. The HSA board of directors is very grateful for the contribution Kelly has made to the union during her tenure. The new...

OTTAWA ... On Friday, flags will be lowered and working people across the country will take a few moments to remember their friends, family and colleagues who have died from workplace injuries. For the past 22 years, April 28 has been recognized as a National Day of Mourning to both reflect and focus on making Canadas workplaces healthier and safer...

The Federal government must follow through on its promise to uphold the Canada Health Act, and refuse to allow public funds to be used to underwrite the profits at the Copeman Healthcare Centre. The BC Health Coalition (BCHC) sent a strongly worded letter yesterday to Prime Minister Harper demanding that he take action similar to his intervention in Alberta to...

May 1st is a day chosen by workers to acknowledge the struggles and celebrate the gains the labour movement has made throughout history. Now, with workers rights and public services under attack by governments across this country and around the world, it is more important than ever to remember the importance of international solidarity and the history of May Day...

OTTAWA ... The Canadian Labour Congress turns fifty this month. It was on April 23rd, 1956, at a convention in Toronto, that the Canadian Labour Congress was born from the union of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada and the Canadian Congress of Labour. -In fifty years, we have accomplished so much yet there is much more to be...

The Victoria Labour Council is offering four labour education workshops the weekend of May 6 and 7 at Camosun College, Inter-Urban Campus, 4461 Interurban Road, Victoria. Deadline for registration is April 20. Times:Registration at 8:30 a.m.Saturday, May 6: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (lunch provided)Sunday, May 7: 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Course descriptions: STEWARD 1This is an introductory course...

Ratification meetings are being held for HSA members to vote on the tentative agreement between the Union Bargaining Association and Community Social Services Employers' Association. The HSA Board of Directors and your bargaining committee are recommending you vote "YES" in favour of the agreement. For information on this agreement: Summary of the proposed agreement Complete text of the proposed changes...

Ratification meetings are being held for HSA members to vote on the tentative agreement between the Community Bargaining Association (Community Health Services and Support) and Health Employers' Association. The HSA Board of Directors and your bargaining committee are recommending you vote "YES" in favour of the agreement. For information on this agreement: Summary of the proposed collective agreement