News & Updates

A bargaining hotline for HSA members to listen by phone to updates on bargaining progress in the Paramedical Professional Bargaining Association (health sciences), Nurses Bargaining Association (nurses), Community Bargaining Association (community health) and Union Bargaining Association (community social services) is now up and running. For information on negotiations in your sector, call the hotline, or check this web site. Lower...

EB04-04 Spaces are still available for the Steward Training Level I (basic steward training) workshop and OH&S Steward Training. The workshops will be held at the HSA office at #300 - 5118 Joyce Street, Vancouver. The dates are as follows. Please fax application forms ASAP. Steward Training Level I (three-day workshop) Workshop 1 February 23, 24, 25 ("*FULL"*) Workshop 2...

The Report: January / February 2004 vol.25 num.1 by YUKIE KURAHASHI ames Benson does not walk. He bounds. His compact frame can barely contain his energy, and when he smiles, he smiles with his whole face. James Benson Recreation Therapist Juan de Fuca Hospitals: Aberdeen and Priory long-term care Benson speaks emphatically, con spirito. His passion for his work makes...

The Report: January / February 2004 vol.25 num.1 by YUKIE KURAHASHI ike many health professionals these days, Maureen Ashfield has been juggling shrinking resources, struggling to care for clients with less. Maureen Ashfield Home health services coordinator Central Community Health Centre: North Shore / Garibaldi In her work as a home health services care coordinator (formerly called a long term...

The Report: January / February 2004 vol.25 num.1 by MARTY LOVICK I recently transferred from a small unit to a larger, more complex site. Im not clear on a number of tasks which look like they could cause injury. What do I do? Article 38.03 ... -Employee Safety" of the paramedical professional contract states, in part: The employer will provide...