Community social services

Community social services bargaining is on a scheduled break this week and will resume next week at the bargaining table. Before the break, your bargaining committee started to talk about monetary priorities with the employers’ representatives. We expect those discussions to continue when bargaining resumes. Your bargaining committee is bringing forward the priorities of members and is working hard to...

The bargaining committee has been hard at work at the negotiations table with the employers’ association ensuring that member priorities are heard. The committee is taking a break from negotiations and has scheduled the next round of talks for the week of June 20. Here are some key updates about the bargaining process and a few frequently asked questions. What...

The Community Social Services (CSS) Bargaining Committee is back at the bargaining table and has begun to discuss monetary priorities with the employers’ association. The monetary package was thoughtful and reflective of the priorities identified for the CSS negotiating committee. During the first two years of the pandemic, community social service workers were there and are still there supporting children...

Community social services bargaining will resume next week, starting May 16 th. The Bargaining Committee will continue to discuss the issues that members have identified as priorities to the negotiating table with employer representatives. The Bargaining Committee has been negotiating the new community social services sectoral collective agreement for more than 17,000 workers in your sector from ten unions including...

The Community Social Services bargaining committee is currently back at the table with the Community Social Services Employers’ Association (CSSEA) this week for scheduled negotiations until April 8 th. April 1 st, 2022, marked the expiry of the collective agreements for the General Services, Indigenous Services and Community Living Services. The collective agreement is a negotiated contract that spells out...

The Community Social Services Bargaining Association is continuing to meet with the employers’ association. The Bargaining Committee is pushing to achieve the non-monetary priorities that members identified as important measures to address the challenges in the community social services sector. By the end of last week, the Committee had tabled all non-monetary topics and interests for consideration. In-depth discussions of...

Last week was week five of negotiations between the Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) and the Community Social Services Employers' Association (CSSEA). Negotiations opened on Tuesday, March 1 st by recognizing that March is Community Social Services Month, a time to honour and reflect on the important work that community social service professionals do for our social safety net...

CSSBA BARGAINING UPDATE – BARGAINING BEGINS Bargaining for the new Community Social Services collective agreement has begun. Last week the Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) Committee finalized the unions’ priorities and proposals and on February 2 initiated talks with the Community Social Services Employers Association (CSSEA) Bargaining Committee. The parties were able to agree on bargaining protocols on February...

Do you work in the community social services sector? Are you looking for opportunities for training in mental health and addictions issues? The Canadian Mental Health Association and BC Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions have teamed up to offer the free Workplace CARE certificate program. The program is free, and consists of two self-paced virtual courses which can be...

A message from HSA President Kane Tse Labour Day is usually a time spent reflecting on the past. We remember the contributions of working people, celebrate the many victories, and remind ourselves and the world of the importance of collective action.But this has been a very different year. We don’t have to recall the distant past to see the remarkable...