Issues, Campaigns and Government Relations

Vancouver Sun KUDOS CORPORATE GIVING Van-Whole Produce raised $15,498 through sales of top sweet mandarin oranges this fall for the Canadian Cancer Society, BC & Yukon. Donations of $10,000 each from Dr. Miriam Yu, and Mr. and Mrs. Sing and Patricia Yeo to Tapestry Foundation for Health Care helped launch Scotiabank Feast of Fortune supporting Rapid Access Breast Clinic at...

Due to the large number of members who have expressed an interest in getting involved in the upcoming provincial election, HSA is holding another 2-day, non-partisan election campaign school. This workshop is designed for HSA members with little or no experience in electoral politics, but who are interested in working on election campaigns or running for political office. The school...

Members may apply for Political Action Fund support to attend election campaign training which is: a) non-partisan (e.g., the Canadian Women Voters Congress Women's Campaign School); or b) offered by labour organizations with which HSA is affiliated (e.g., the BC Federation of Labour, the Canadian Labour Congress, labour councils etc); orc) offered by political parties that meet all of HSA's...

HSA members throughout the province who are running for office or working in the upcoming provincial election may apply to HSA for financial support from HSA's Political Action Fund. 1. Members who are candidates may apply for up to 30 days of wage replacement and/or up to $200 to cover approved personal expenses incurred to run for office. 2. Members...

The Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA) has called off rotating strikes planned for the coming week. Following three round-the-clock days of talks mediated by veteran labour mediator Vince Ready, the government tabled a proposal just before midnight Saturday for a wage increase and massive concessions. The proposal adds up to a general wage increase of 1.4 per cent over...

For immediate release: December 7, 2012 Caring professionals from not-for-profit agencies that support vulnerable families on the North Island will be on strike Monday, December 10. Community workers want to send a clear message to the B.C. government: stop putting vulnerable families last! Since 2004, the B.C. Liberal government has cut $300 million in funding for programs that support vulnerable...

In spite of an agreement reached between HSA and other health care unions and the Ministry of Health last week, some members continue to get pressure to either produce evidence of vaccination against seasonal influenza, or wear a mask during the flu season, which was declared open December 1. For members information, at the meeting held between the Ministry of...

Canadian Press The second stage of strike action by members of the Health Sciences Association hits BC hospitals today. Workers who deliver diagnostic imaging services like x-rays, CT scans and ultrasounds will scale back to essential services as part of an effort to pressure the government to come up with a better contract offer. The union's job action began yesterday...

Health science professionals began rotating strikes today to put pressure on government to get serious about bargaining a new collective agreement with the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA). Hospital pharmacists reduced services to essential services only. Starting at midnight tonight, health science professionals who deliver diagnostic imaging services will reduce their services to essential services only. This group of...

The Daily Bulletin (Kimberley) Hospital pharmacists and medical imaging technicians plan to go ahead with brief strikes Thursday and Friday as a mediator attempts to reach a settlement with 16,000 health science employees at hospitals and clinics across B.C. Mediator Vince Ready was brought in Tuesday after negotiations that started in February failed to produce an agreement. The Health Employers...