Issues, Campaigns and Government Relations

The Report: June 2012 vol.33 num.2 NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY LEADER ADRIAN DIX told HSA delegates his party is committed to building a stronger provincial health care system in order to build prosperity in British Columbia. -We have to respond to the challenges of the public health care system in the 21st century thats under attack from Ottawa and under attack...

WHAT IS THE HSA CONTRACT? Collective agreements that govern the working conditions and compensation for HSA members working in the public sector expired on March 31, 2011. The union is working now on behalf of HSA members to negotiate new collective agreements. Until new collective agreements are reached, the terms and conditions of the expired agreements continue. In the public...

Long-time HSA activist Rachel Tutte has been nominated for a Women of Distinction Award in the Metro Vancouver YWCAs 2012 awards competition. Recognized nationally as one of Canadas most prestigious awards for women, the Women of Distinction Awards honour women whose outstanding achievements contribute to the well-being and future of our community. Rachel has held several HSA positions, including serving...

During April, the Not Myself Today campaign intends to mobilize all Canadians in a movement to transform the way we think about, act towards and support mental health.Ottawa (10 April 2012) ... The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) is joining a broad range of organizations to support the Not Myself Today campaign initiated by the newly-formed Partners...

The Health Sciences Association of BC has joined more than 180 organizations in endorsing the Canadian Health Coalitions -Call to Care", to secure the future of Medicare. The CHC statement outlines a vision and a list of principles to build a better public health care system that works for everyone. The federal government has recently announced that it intends to...

Q: Im scheduled to work July 1, and not on July 2. However, my employer says that I will not be getting paid at the -statutory holiday" rate for work on July 1. Is this right? A: This year, July 1 falls on a Sunday. According to the federal Holidays Act, this means the legal statutory holiday is July 2...

The federal budget will increase income inequality, decrease the quality of life for Canadians and slow economic recovery. Ottawa (29 March 2012) - The Harper government's budget fails the Fairness Test [1]because it will increase income inequality and make life harder for vulnerable Canadians, said James Clancy, National President of the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE)."Income inequality...

OTTAWA ... The President of the Canadian Labour Congress says the federal budget tabled on March 29 has failed Canadians by destroying valuable public services and jobs and attacking pensions. -The government could have used this budget to help struggling middle class and working Canadians," Georgetti says, -but it chose to not to do so."Georgetti says the government has borrowed...

A recent article in The Report contained incomplete information about tax deductions. The potential for deducting for LTD premiums only applies if you are on an accepted LTD claim. A member who is on an accepted LTD claim may be able to claim on their tax returns for LTD premiums they have previously paid. Whether they are eligible to do...