Issues, Campaigns and Government Relations

Hospital pharmacists are chronically understaffed. Theyre overextended in caring for patients who are increasingly acutely ill when they arrive at hospital. Clinical pharmacists ... along with other health science professionals -- are concerned that a chronic recruitment and retention crisis is eroding clinical care in BC. Clinical pharmacists have been speaking up to government representatives and reaching out to supporters...

Summary High profile targeted strike action by community social service workers took place in Vancouver, Kamloops and Prince George last week, with considerable public support and excellent media coverage; Political action also took place today at Social Development Minister Moira Stillwells office in Vancouver; Further targeted job action will take place late this week, with details to be announced. Last...

How do we work together against violence in health care workplaces? For the first time ever, the annual international conference to counter violence in the health sector is taking place in North America. More than 470 participants from around the world have gathered at the Sheraton Airport Hotel in Richmond to hear from experts and take part in workshops at...

Please see the attached poster for information on a rally organized by the B.C. Federation Of Labours Womens Rights Committee and the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada to oppose motion M-312. This motion, put forward by Conservative MP Stephen Woodworth, is up for a second hour of debate Friday, September 21st at 1:30 pm and a vote on Wednesday, September...

On Wednesday, September 5, the BC Government and Service Employees Union (BCGEU), Professional Employees Association (PEA) and Canadian Office & Professional Employees Union (COPE) local 378 will go on a one-day strike. Approximately 27,000 workers will strike to back their bargaining demands for a fair and reasonable contract. This will affect government offices, ICBC, and various public service sites in...

HSA members have rejected a proposal to increase union dues in order to offset an unfunded liability in a union long term disability plan.The proposal for a dues increase was rejected by a margin of 84% to 16%. More than 5,000 members ... or 30 per cent of the total membership ... participated in the vote.At the union's annual convention...

The federal government plans to close the Kitsilano Coast Guard Station at the end of the summer, leaving all rescues in Vancouver harbour to the Sea Island Station in Richmond, 17 nautical miles away. The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) asks you to add your voice to the growing number of elected officials and prominent British Columbians who are...

During Premier's meeting, Nova Scotia Citizen's Health Care Network holds press conference to outline their vision to improve Canada's public health care system.Halifax (26 July 2012) ... Public health care advocates from across the country are paying close attention to the Council of the Federation meeting in Halifax. The Nova Scotia Citizen's Health Care Network, of which the Nova Scotia...

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - July 19, 2012) - The BC Health Coalition is calling on the provincial government to undertake a full-scale review of all for-profit surgical facilities in the province in light of findings released by the Medical Services Commission yesterday. The MSC audit report shows that almost half of all the services examined at the Cambie and Specialist...

The Joint Community Social Services Labour Adjustment & Education Fund is now accepting applications from members working in the community social services sector. Successful applicants may receive up to $5,000 (lifetime maximum) to take eligible courses. The labour adjustment and education funds are available through a grant from the provincial government resulting from a joint request made by the Community...