Member and Steward Education and Scholarships

HSA is offering scholarships and bursaries to all members and their children. We will be awarding ten scholarships for full-time studies; ten bursaries for full-time studies; five bursaries for part-time studies and two aboriginal scholarships. The criteria and details are set out on the application forms. To obtain a copy please download the applications below or contact your chief steward...

HSA is a component of NUPGE. Application deadline for all NUPGE Scholarships is June 30, 2006. Tommy Douglas Scholarship - $1,500 OPEN TO all students who plan to enter the first year of a Canadian public post secondary education institution full-time in 2006-2007 and who are the children of, or foster children of, a National Union of Public and General...

HSA is offering the following courses: 2006 Steward Training Level 1 (3-day workshops): January 30, 31 and February 1, 2006 (deadline for registration is January 9, 2006) February 13, 14, and 15, 2006 (deadline for registration is January 23, 2006) February 27, 28 and March 1, 2006 (deadline for registration is February 6, 2006 Pre-Registration Form - 2006 Steward Training...

As you know, all workers have a right to a safe work environment. Surveys consistently indicate that HSA members care about and are willing to become involved in health and safety issues. Unions have a significant role to play ensuring that our workplaces are safe. HSA takes a leadership role in the promotion of workplace safety through health and safety...

One of Canada's best labour schools, held at Harrison Hot Springs, in January and February 2006 The CLC Winter School offers a wide variety of week-long, quality labour orientated courses. Past HSA participants have rated the courses and the experience highly. The school offers an opportunity to meet people from other unions and workplaces across BC. To support HSA's ability...

The BC Federation of Labour offers two scholarships for attendance at the 2006 CLC Winter School: The Debra Mills Scholarship (information and application form available for download below) is intended for persons with disabilities to attend a one-week course. See attached course schedule or check the CLC website> for more information. The scholarship will be decided by a...

HSA offered three one-day workshops this fall: Dates: Saturday October 29, 2005 Vancouver, HSA Office FULL Saturday November 5, 2005 Kelowna, Coast Capri CANCELLED Saturday November 19, 2005 Nanaimo, Bastion Inn HSA members who work in a supervisory capacity still have the opportunity to attend a workshop in Nanaimo. Supervisors have particular concerns and needs and sometimes feel caught in...

As you know, all workers have a right to a safe work environment. Surveys consistently indicate that HSA members care about and are willing to become involved in health and safety issues. Unions have a significant role to play ensuring that our workplaces are safe. HSA takes a leadership role in the promotion of workplace safety through health and safety...

Members encouraged to get involved in upcoming municipal and federal elections HSA and its members have become increasingly active politically. HSA members worked on the recent provincial election in unprecedented numbers. Many of these members attended one of the three campaign schools HSA offered during the past year. Feedback from these members emphasized the value of these campaign schools in...

As you know, all workers have a right to a safe work environment. Surveys consistently indicate that HSA members care about and are willing to become involved in health and safety issues. Unions have a significant role to play ensuring that our workplaces are safe. HSA takes a leadership role in the promotion of workplace safety through health and safety...