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The Report: January / February 2004 vol.25 num.1 by SUSAN HAGLUND oining the ranks of a well-established organization like HSA is like being the new kid in school mid-year. Everyone knows everyone; you know no one. So you polish your shoes, wash behind your ears ... and jump in! It is exhilarating. But its also scary ... and challenging. However...

The Report: January / February 2004 vol.25 num.1 by CINDY STEWART ith the Paramedical Professional bargaining proposal conference set for February 9-11, and indications that bargaining for this contract, which covers the majority of HSA members, will get under-way early in the new year, the continuing trend to government interference in contract negotiations concerns me. 2003 finished with a rocky...

The Report: January / February 2004 vol.25 num.1 by COLLEEN FULLER and SETH KLEIN t hasnt been often that we at the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives have found occasion to applaud the BC government for one of its new policies. But we did commend the government for Bill 92 ... The Medicare Protection Amendment Act. Now, sadly, after a...

The Report: January / February 2004 vol.25 num.1 he BC Coalition of Womens Centres provides a critical voice for women at a time when the provincial government is turning its back on all communities. For women, these changes have been particularly harsh. Womens centres are needed now, more than ever. What can you do to help? Contact the womens centre...

The Report: January / February 2004 vol.25 num.1 by CAROL RIVIERE and YUKIE KURAHASHI eniors, their families and the health care workers who provide elder care are becoming increasingly frustrated as the Campbell Liberals continue to make a bewildering number of changes and cuts to seniors care. For most seniors, MSP no longer pays even a portion of the fee...

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The Report: December 2003 vol.24 num.6 hen she was just four years old, Kathleen Collin might already have known she'd grow up to be a pharmacist. "I was so excited to get to the drugstore - because I'd been promised a popsicle - that I pushed on a 'pull' door and fell right through the screen door," she laughed. "I...

The Report: December 2003 vol.24 num.6 by YUKIE KURAHASHI ithin the first minute of meeting Suzanne Bennett, you might not think “passionate union activist” or “tireless community social services advocate.” You would probably think “ecstatic young grandma.” In the subsequent five or six minutes, you’d realize that Suzanne Bennett is all these, and more. Suzanne Bennett Chief Steward & Member-at-Large...