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The Report: February / March 2000 vol.21 num.1 by CINDY STEWART Over the next few months, you will notice some exciting changes to The Report.Some of these changes are evident in this issue, and other will be phased in over time.They are all a part of our attempt to provide HSA members with a better qualitypublication that is relevant to...

The Report: February / March 2000 vol.21 num.1 by RACHEL NOTLEY and YUKIE KURAHASHI The final report of the BC Ultrasonographers' study reveals that 91% of survey respondents have experienced musculoskeletal pain and discomfort at some point during their sonography career. The final results of the BC Ultrasonographers study are in and theypresent a disturbing picture of the dangers associated...

The Report: February / March 2000 vol.21 num.1 When to call your LRO Before calling your Labour Relations Officer, contact your steward first regarding workplace concerns. At most facilities, a list of your stewards is posted on your union bulletin board. For regional labour relations issues, or if your steward can't help, contact your LRO. For all provincial, national, or...

The Report: February / March 2000 vol.21 num.1 by YUKIE KURAHASHI Most stewards agree: the work as a union rep is rewarding, butthe workload can be intense. That was the answer stewards gave HSA in a 1994 surveydesigned to assess the needs of HSA activists. As a result, the union made a decision later that year to implement theOrganizing Model...

The Report: February / March 2000 vol.21 num.1 by SARAH O'LEARY Some favourable news for members who are injured or disabledfrom working: previously, some HSA members have had problems collecting Long TermDisability benefits when they had been injured at work and collected workerscompensation. Workers will sometimes find that their WCB benefits are terminatedbefore they are ready to return to work...

The Report: November / December 1999 vol.20 num.4 by MURRAY DOBBIN The arcane world of trade and investment agreements is not known for its poeticlanguage, but there are exceptions. Promoters of the World Trade Organiztion (WTO) comparemembership in the organization to Ulysses tying himself to the mast of his ship soas not to succumb to the call of the Sirens...

The Report: November / December 1999 vol.20 num.4 HSA calls for review of Vancouver area rehab services HSA is urging the Vancouver / Richmond Health Board to delay making wide-rangingchanges to the way rehab services are delivered in the region until the Boards ownreview of rehab programs and services is complete. The health board was scheduled to vote this month...

The Report: November / December 1999 vol.20 num.4 by CINDY STEWART On November 30th, the world witnessed demonstrations in Seattle unlike anything that wehave seen since the protests of the 1960s. The mounting concern, rising to a level thatbrought thousands of people into the streets around the world on the opening day of theWTO talks, is indicative of the fear...

The Report: November / December 1999 vol.20 num.4 by MAUREEN WHELAN HSA has joined with the College of Psychiatric Nurses of BC, the Union of PsychiatricNurses and the Ministry of Health to produce two brochures on psychiatric nursing. This was a new role for the union to play as historically HSA does not involve itself inareas usually covered by the...

The Report: November / December 1999 vol.20 num.4 by JUDITH MCCORMICK / CALM My employer plays favourites. She also discriminates between workers. Is she allowed to do this? Equality before the law. Thats the idea of something called "the rule of law", which means that a peasant is supposed to be treated the same as the lord. In modern times...