Community social services

HSA President Reid Johnson responds to February 24, 2008 Vancouver Province columnist Brian Lewis, who praises the new facilities and equipment at the Abbotsford P3 hospital set to open next year. See letter to the editor here.

An audit has shown there is money remaining in the Early Incentive Bonus fund, negotiated by the Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA). This fund is a unique feature that applies only to the community social services sectoral agreements. The CSSBA has the authority to determine what to do with this surplus. Some employees may be eligible for a bonus...

Today the BC Health Coalition is supporting Canadas nurses and hospital workers, which have teamed up to launch the -Know your Medicare Rights" campaign. The campaign will focus on providing citizens with an opportunity to report incidences of extra-billing and other violations of the Canada Health Act through a new national website. -In British Columbia, and across Canada, the right...

HSA is offering scholarships and bursaries to all members and their children. We will be awarding ten scholarships for full-time studies, twenty bursaries for full-time studies and two aboriginal scholarships.The criteria and details are set out on the application forms. To obtain a copy please see the HSA website: or contact your chief steward.Completed application forms and transcripts must...

Facilities Barganing AssociationNurses Bargaining AssociationHealth Science Professionals Bargaining AssociationCommunity Bargaining Association Health care unions met today with representatives of the provincial government to deal with the repercussions of last Junes landmark Supreme Court decision that declared parts of a 2002 contract-stripping law unconstitutional. Bill 29, the Health and Social Services Delivery Improvement Act, eliminated or curtailed provisions in legally-negotiated contracts...

The Health Sciences Association (HSA) welcomes todays announcement that the government will enter into discussions about the recent Supreme Court of Canada decision that strikes down controversial provisions in Bill 29, the legislation that restricted health care workers bargaining rights. -The highest court in Canada gave the government a year to address the ruling. HSA sees todays appointment of associate...

Many HSA members have questions about their rights and obligations in the event of a flood or other emergency. Click \"read more\" for a copy of HSA's Q&A on this topic which will appear in next month's issue of The Report.

A recent Labour Relations Board (LRB) decision makes it more difficult for Community Living BC (CLBC) to dismantle the group home model and de-unionize the community living sub-sector community social services sector. On May 18 the LRB dismissed an application filed by CLBC requesting the LRB to issue a declaratory opinion on the definition of "family home provider" under the...

Edmonton - A national conference for community-based social service workers, sponsored by the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE), wraps up today in Edmonton. The three-day gathering is focusing on key challenges faced by the sector in all parts of the country. -Workers in this sector live in a trying environment of frequent government restructuring, under funding, low...

Ottawa ... In an effort to help build the knowledge base and skill level of union activists around critical issues in the field of pensions, the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) is producing a series of Pensions Backgrounders.The first two documents of the series ... Pensions Are Important and A Brief History of Pensions in Canada...