Community social services

The Union Bargaining Association (UBA) will be tabling our monetary proposals early next week. We've been trying to this point to get employers to discuss our priority non-monetary issues. These include the improvements our members are seeking to job security, workload and basic working conditions.

In preparation for the 2006 negotiations, unions consulted extensively with our members. You said strongly that you wanted your bargaining committee to negotiate fair wages, safe workplaces, improve benefits, improve work-life balance and provide job security. Download full version as PDF

It was deja vu all over again at the bargaining table this week. While the Union Bargaining Association tabled proposals on employment continuity, the employers representatives continued to dig in with demands for concessions. Download full version of this bulletin

The UBA bargaining team has tabled proposals aimed at rebuilding the community social services workforce. Download full text of this bulletin

Despite the growing staffing crisis, the BC governments bargaining agent wants to turn back the clock in community social services. Download full version of this bulletin

Contract talks got off to a rocky start earlier this week when the governments bargaining agent tabled a package laden with demands for concessions. Download full text as PDF

Employers are choking off pay rates above what the collective agreement says and firing up the rumour mill as community social services contract talks are set to begin. Download full text as PDF

Community social service workers say wages, benefits and strengthening resources for social services top their demands for a new contract. -We are serious about reaching an agreement that addresses all the issues, and hope that the employers are serious about wanting to reach a settlement," said Chris Mullen, Chief Spokesperson for the Union Bargaining Association (UBA). Download full text as...

BL10086HSA members covered by the Community Social Services Bargaining Association collective agreement held a bargaining proposal conference last week to discuss priorities for the upcoming negotiations. The current collective agreement expires March 31, 2006.Pat Jacklin, an HSA member at Comox Valley Transition Society, was elected to join Labour Relations Officer Josef Rieder as HSA's representatives on the Community Social Services...

BL10085 HSA President Cindy Stewart has written to Premier Gordon Campbell calling on the government to apply the same factors and considerations that led to a 15 per cent wage increase for MLAs to the governments preparations for setting a wage mandate for other public sector workers, including the health care and community social services workers represented by HSA.-I understand...