Community social services

Ratification meetings are being held for HSA members to vote on the tentative agreement between the Union Bargaining Association and Community Social Services Employers' Association. The HSA Board of Directors and your bargaining committee are recommending you vote "YES" in favour of the agreement. For information on this agreement: Summary of the proposed agreement Complete text of the proposed changes...

A tentative agreement has been reached covering 15,000 community social services workers in B.C. The four-year deal includes wage increases totalling 8.3 percent, wage parity increases, and a pension plan at the end of the agreement. An additional 1.6 percent will go into workers pockets annually after the first year, when employers resume Medical Services Plan contributions. Full-time workers will...

The Union Bargaining Association (UBA) is calling on BC finance minister Carole Taylor to take immediate steps to address the "negotiating ineptitude" of the employers, and to assure community social services workers that any final agreement they are offered is comparable to what other public sector workers have received to date. Download full PDF version here

Tentative agreements were reached today at both the Nurses and Community Social Services tables. More details will be provided in the coming days.

We are working day and night to conclude a fair and equitable tentative agreement by Friday, March 31.

Bargaining has now resumed. Your Union Bargaining Association (UBA) remains hopeful that we can bring negotiations to a satisfactory resolution by the March 31 deadline. Download full version as PDF

Community social services workers have stepped back from the bargaining table and won't return until employers are prepared to seriously address workers' key issues of wages, benefits and job security, the Union Bargaining Association (UBA) announced today. Dowload full version as PDF

The employers' bargaining agent has tabled a counter-proposal that falls far short of addressing community social services workers demands. Here's what the Community Social Services Employers' Association (CSSEA) is offering now: Wages in the first and second years = unchanged offer of 1.5% increase each year. Wages in the third and proposed fourth year = an increase of just .25%...

A recent survey of unionized community social services workers in British Columbia has revealed a shocking reality -- almost 50 per cent are working a second job, just to make ends meet. Download full version as PDF

For all Community Social Services union members who work in CSSEA agencies ... its very important that you attend the upcoming bargaining information meeting in your area. For information, please go to