
Indigenous Awareness and Working with the UN Declaration An HSA Diversity Workshop DATE: October 15, 2021 TIME: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm LOCATION: Virtual – WebEx This workshop will offer HSA members the opportunity to increase their awareness of Indigenous Peoples and issues, work toward a path of respectful and effective indigenous relations, and how that path interacts with the...

Upcoming Fall Steward Workshops: Virtual Basic Steward Training and Virtual OH&S Training Registration Information: Stewards may register by logging into My Events Registration. Workshops are listed under Steward Education events. Virtual Basic Steward Training (3 days in series) Stewards play a vital role in the union. Particularly important is the steward's role in contract interpretation, organizing and the grievance procedure...

Advanced OH&S Training Virtual Workshop HSA is pleased to offer this advanced one-day virtual workshop specifically designed for OHS stewards and JOSH Representatives who have experience working to support members with their occupational health and safety concerns. DATE: September 28, 2021 TIME: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm LOCATION: Virtual – WebEx details to follow Advanced OHS Steward Training This course...

Race, Racism in the Workplace: Building Inclusive Unions An HSA Virtual Diversity Workshop HSA is pleased to offer this two-day virtual workshop specifically designed for HSA Site stewards, OHS stewards, and EDMP Representatives. The workshop will provide representatives the opportunity to utilize activities, case scenarios, and discussions to explore race and racism, in the context of providing support to members...

Decolonization An HSA Diversity Workshop HSA is pleased to offer two additional opportunities to attend this two-day workshop! DATES: October 13 & 14, 2021 October 25 & 26, 2021 TIME: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm LOCATION: Virtual – WebEx This two-day virtual workshop will help non-Indigenous HSA members to develop the skills, compassion, and abilities required to recognize and change...

Supervisors in the Union Virtual Workshop DATE: September 21, 2021 TIME: 9 am to 4:30 pm workshop LOCATION: Virtual - WebEx Summary: HSA is unique in terms of the number of supervisors who are included in the union. Supervisors were some of the founding members of HSA when the Union was first organized. This workshop is HSA’s invitation for supervisors...

HSA Unions Confronting White Supremacy Virtual Workshop In the last year, there has been an increase in awareness around equity issues around the world. The Black Lives Matter movement, Dr. Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond’s investigation and report on systemic racism in health care, and the uncovering of unmarked graves of Indigenous children continue to be relevant and must be addressed. HSA...

Summer Institute for Union Women – details released for August 5 - 7, 2021 Virtual Conference Details for the 2021 Summer Institute for Union Women in August have just been released, and HSA will support members to participate by reimbursing registration costs. Scholarships are also available for 11 members to cover registration and wage replacement for the three-day school on...

This past year has been remarkably challenging. HSA members have been front and centre as we manage through a pandemic that has affected every aspect of our personal lives and work lives. Unlike for many British Columbians, going home and staying home was not an option for our members. You were called upon to show up – under new scheduling...

HSA is pleased to offer this one-day virtual workshop facilitated by Kerry Porth and Alison Clancey, Living in Community. DATE: June 17, 2021 TIME: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm LOCATION: Virtual – WebEx details to follow Workshop Description: Curriculum for Change: Effectively Responding to the Needs of Sex Workers will equip HSABC members with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to...