Union Elections and Meetings

HSAs 2013 Annual Convention will include an election for the position of president, a full-time position that carries a two-year term. All members in good standing are eligible to run for president when nominated in writing by six members. Nominations for president are open until the final call for nominations takes place on the last day of convention Saturday, April...

The next HSA Annual Convention will take place April 18-20, 2013 at the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver. All HSA members are welcome to attend and speak at the convention. However, only delegates have the right to vote. For chapters with 49 or fewer members, the HSA chief steward is the sole delegate. If the chief steward is not attending convention, an...

In 2005, David Bland -- a vocational rehabilitation counsellor and HSA member from Richmond Mental Health -- was murdered at his workplace by a former client. His tragic death served as a sombre reminder that more needs to be done to prevent incidents of violence in the workplace and to protect health care and social services workers on the job...

This year, Regional Director elections will take place in Regions 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. All HSA members in these regions are encouraged to put their name forward for these important positions.Directors meet, on average, every six weeks and take an active leadership role in representing the union. They receive wage replacement for the time they spend in official...

HSA members will soon be preparing for the 2013 HSA Convention, to be held April 18 - 20, 2013 at the Fairmont Hotel (Vancouver Hotel) in Vancouver. Annual convention is the union's annual meeting where chapter representatives from around the province determine the union's future direction. Policies, actions, constitutional amendments, and structural changes are all discussed and debated at convention...

HSA members will soon be preparing for the 2013 HSA Convention, to be held April 18 - 20, 2013 at the Fairmont Hotel (Vancouver Hotel) in Vancouver. Annual convention is the union's annual meeting where chapter representatives from around the province determine the union's future direction. Policies, actions, constitutional amendments, and structural changes are all discussed and debated at convention...

Over the next few months, various organizations will be offering election campaign training. HSA members may apply for Political Action Fund support to attend election campaign training which is: non-partisan; is offered by labour organizations with which HSA is affiliated ; or is offered by political parties that meet all 4 of HSAs criteria, by demonstrating support for: a positive...

The Report: September 2012 vol.33 num.3 Like those of you who attend a lot of meetings, I notice that some of them arent that productive. But thats not how I feel about the regional meetings we hold annually. With more than 16,000 members working in over 75 professions at 250 facilities in communities all over the province, I look forward...

HSAs annual fall regional meetings have been scheduled for September and October 2012. Regional meetings are an excellent forum for HSA members to review the issues and activities of the past year, and discuss the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. This year, the day-long regional meeting will be followed by a day-long disability management education workshop. The workshop will...

The Report: June 2012 vol.33 num.2 DELEGATES ATTENDING HSAS 41ST ANNUAL CONVENTION rejected proposals to switch to a biennial convention, discussed the challenges of the current bargaining climate and debated solutions to a long-standing problem with a long-term disability trust just over 200 members. -Every day you go to work to serve others, to make a difference," said President Reid...