News & Updates

Stewards for health science professionals met in September to discuss the contract negotiations Ratification vote to be held by mail-in ballot The Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association has reached a tentative agreement for the 17,000 health science professionals delivering modern health care in BC's hospitals and communities. It is a five-year agreement that expires March 31, 2019. The agreement was...

One of Canada's best labour schools, held at Harrison Hot Springs, in January and February 2014 The CLC Winter School offers a wide variety of week-long, quality labour oriented courses. To support HSA's ability to represent HSA members effectively and help build a stronger union, members can apply to take courses chosen to meet these objectives. HSA offers a number...

2014 Basic Steward Training Stewards play a vital role in the union. Particularly important is the steward's role in contract interpretation, organizing and the grievance procedure. In recognition of the need for educating new stewards in these areas, HSA is offering four 3-day Basic Steward Training workshops at the HSA office as follows - Dates: January 13 – 15, 2014...

HSA joins other unions across Canada today in recognizing the dedication and professionalism of the workers in community living group homes and day programs, shelters, and supported housing; sexual assault centres, transition houses, and victims' services; infant development programs and child care centres; and the diverse array of programs that provide counselling, rehabilitation, recreation, employment training, outreach, advocacy and referral...

The week of November 19, HSA will hold bargaining proposal conferences related to the four public sector contracts under which members work. Local union meetings are being held for members to discuss proposals for consideration at the conferences, which will set the direction for bargaining new collective agreements. The contracts all expire March 31, 2014. In addition to local proposal...

A new Enhanced Disability Management Program (EDMP) negotiated into the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association and Nurses' Bargaining Association contracts in the last round of bargaining comes into effect today. The program replaces disability management programs previously run by individual health authorities. Jointly developed with employers and other unions over several year, EDMP is an employee-centred, proactive, and customized disability...

Do I have to get the flu shot?The policy upheld by the arbitrator states that if you do not get a flu shot, you can still work, but must wear a mask at all times during the declared flu season. When does flu season start?Flu season is declared by the Provincial Health Officer. It is typically declared between late-November and...

health care workers who don’t get a flu shot, or wear masks at work, face risk of being fired An arbitrator has ruled on the controversial flu shot policy for health care workers, siding with the health authority policy that dictates all health care workers must get immunized against seasonal influenza, or wear a mask at all times during the...

Are you a woman considering either running for elected office, or working in a key position in a future election campaign? If so, then the Canadian Women Voters Congress Women's Campaign School is for you. Dates: November 29 (evening) & November 30 (all day) Location: SFU Surrey, BC The Canadian Women Voters Congress is a nonpartisan, grass roots organization, dedicated...

During the next several weeks, HSA members in Region 5 will have an opportunity to elect their representative on HSA’s Board of Directors. The byelection was required when Region 5 regional director Kimball Finigan was unable to continue to serve in the position. The successful candidate will fill the vacancy until the end of the term, which expires at the...