News & Updates

HSA's Board and Directors has made a donation of $15,000 to the Canadian Red Cross to help support the thousands of British Columbians affected by the BC wildfires.The donation matches the $15,000 donated by HSA's national union, the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE). More than 40,000 British Columbians -- including HSA members -- have been evacuated from...

I am writing during an incredibly frightening time for many British Columbians, and am reaching out to HSA members in the areas hit by wild fires to let you know your union is thinking of you, and we are here to assist you as needed. Our thoughts are with residents, emergency crews, and the health care and social services workers...

Unionized staff have been locked out at Pacific Blue Cross, the extended health benefits provider for thousands of HSA members. Negotiations for a new contract started several months ago, and the union reports that the employer is demanding concessions, including rolling back retiree benefits. As the dispute escalates, Pacific Blue Cross has continued to advance concession proposals. Union members had...

Health science professionals at the Nanaimo Child Development Centre have voted by a strong majority to join the Health Sciences Association of BC (HSA). The union's 34 new members include health science professionals who deliver services in physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech language pathology, infant development program, family development, Vancouver Island Children's Assessment Network, preschool, and supported child development. "We are...

HSA’s board of directors has set a plan to consult with members in advance of contract negotiations for health science professionals in 2018. Although the current HSPBA collective agreement is not due to expire until March 31, 2019, the union’s leadership wants to ensure members share their ideas on how to improve the strained health care system in British Columbia...

HSA REPORT MAGAZINE, JUNE 2017 BY VAL AVERY, PRESIDENT It wasn't easy to figure out what was going on during election night, but it was apparent right away that BC had voted for change. The unprecedented results left the province in a sort of limbo for several weeks and even now, as this issue goes to print, a lot of...

HSA REPORT MAGAZINE, JUNE 2017 Nobody can remember a provincial election like this one. Most election results can be called about an hour after the polls close on election day. This one left people guessing for weeks. And while the exceptionally close results mean it’s hard to predict what will happen in the longer term, the governing agreement between the...

HSA REPORT MAGAZINE, JUNE 2017 BY LAURA BUSHEIKIN When respiratory therapist John Hindle first got involved in HSA as a shop steward, his goal was fairly modest. "I just wanted to help resolve some problems at my workplace," says Hindle. But once he started learning about union issues, Hindle wanted more. A year or so later, Hindle found himself fully...

HSA REPORT MAGAZINE, JUNE 2017 Recognition of diversity is now essential to the health of our society and the strength of organizations. Today, leading institutions seek to understand the unique experience of their members in order to better represent and serve them. HSA has long sought to understand and respect the diversity of our members, and in March, almost 800...

HSA REPORT MAGAZINE, JUNE 2017 HSA President Val Avery was invited to speak as a special guest at the Early Childhood Educators of BC conference in May. HSA served as a sponsor for the conference and Avery took part in a panel discussion on building professionalism. "As a union, we are commited to working to advocate for the many professions...