News & Updates

HSA is pleased to offer another opportunity to attend this two-day workshop!& DATES: January 25-26, 2023 TIME: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm LOCATION: Virtual – WebEx details to follow This two-day virtual workshop will help non-Indigenous HSA members to develop the skills, compassion, and abilities required to recognize and change colonial systems and practices in their personal and professional lives...

For almost 20 years, provincial governments in BC worked deliberately to drive down wages for specialized health professionals in BC. In many cases they succeeded, leaving health professionals earning some of the lowest wages relative to their colleagues across Canada. It was a misguided attempt to control health care costs; instead, it slowly undermined the health care system even before...

Preparations for HSA’s annual convention and biennial elections of President and Regional Directors are underway. Please note these important dates and deadlines: 52 nd Annual Convention The annual convention is where delegates from around the province set the policies and priorities for the union, and includes debate on resolutions submitted by HSA chapters across the province. Annual Convention: Wed., April...

Nominations are now open for Regional Director elections in HSA Regions 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. This is an excellent opportunity for members to serve on the HSA Board of Directors, contribute to the leadership of the union, and to represent the interests of other members. HSA’s Board of Directors comprises 10 Regional Directors elected by members from their...

Did you get a call or text from HSA? We're contacting members to make sure we have your current personal email address to ensure you recieve your ratification package, including updates about information meetings to discuss your questions about the contract and information about how to participate in the voting. Please update your contact information using our online tool

HSA’s representatives on the NBA bargaining committee met today to review the priorities set by HSA RPNs. Members first identified these priorities through the membership survey that members completed in the fall of 2021, and they were discussed further by delegates to the October 202 Bargaining Proposals Conference. They will join with a representative from HEU as well as the...

SCHOLARSHIPS AND BURSARIES AVAILABLE FOR HSA MEMBERS AND THEIR FAMILIES HSA is offering scholarships and bursaries to all members and their children. ten scholarships will be awarded for full-time studies, twenty bursaries for full-time studies, and four bursaries for part-time studies. two indigenous bursaries will be awarded to indigenous students in bc who are pursuing education in an hsa related...

Collective bargaining resumed between the nine-union Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) and the provincial Community Social Services Employers’ Association (CSSEA) this past week to negotiate a new contract for 17,000 unionized workers in the sector. However, on Monday, talks were suspended after the latest proposal put forward by the employers’ association failed to meet the needs identified by workers...

The Health Sciences Association of BC, representing over 20,000 specialized professionals working in health care and community social services, stands in solidarity with CUPE OBSCU workers who seek only fair pay for the hard work they do delivering critical work in Ontario’s schools. The Ontario government’s response to them – invoking a constitutional sledgehammer that blocks their right to act...

BC’s 22,000 specialized health professionals working in hospitals and communities around the province reached a tentative agreement late Wednesday night after more than nine months of negotiations between the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA) and Health Employers Association of BC (HEABC). Jeanne Meyers, Executive Director of Health Sciences Association of BC (HSA), is lead negotiator for the HSPBA. “We...