Community Health Services and Support

With negotiations ongoing February 9, talks with community health employers are focusing on two key issues for community health workers, including the contentious issue of scheduling in home support. Download full text as PDF

Progress achieved earlier in the week in negotiations for a new contract for 13,000 community health workers was dashed when talks hit a snag Feb. 2 over the important issue of health and safety. Download full text as PDF

With community health talks back on this week, efforts to achieve a new contract finally appear to be getting into gear. Download full text as PDF

Talks for a new contract for 13,000 community health care workers wont resume until next week to allow negotiators for the Health Employers Association of B.C. to review the unions bargaining demands after the two sides exchanged proposals yesterday afternoon. Download full text as PDF

It took a bit of prodding at yesterdays opening session of contract talks for 13,000 community health workers, including 600 HSA members, but health employers have agreed to exchange most contract proposals when bargaining resumes today in Burnaby. Download full text as PDF

BL10085 HSA President Cindy Stewart has written to Premier Gordon Campbell calling on the government to apply the same factors and considerations that led to a 15 per cent wage increase for MLAs to the governments preparations for setting a wage mandate for other public sector workers, including the health care and community social services workers represented by HSA.-I understand...

BL10078With the Heath Services and Support Community contract set to expire March 31, 2006, planning is underway to prepare bargaining priorities to present at the bargaining table.HSA stewards will be setting chapter meetings to be held by November 4, 2005 to discuss and develop bargaining proposals. All HSA members covered by the Health Services and Support Community collective agreement are...

BL10077Preparations for bargaining for a new Health Services and Support Community Collective Agreement will begin this month.All chapters where HSA members are covered by this collective agreement will hold meetings before November 4, 2005 to set priorities for bargaining in 2006. Please contact your chief steward for information about your chapters bargaining proposal meeting.HSAs Board of Directors is also seeking...

Last night, teachers across the province voted overwhelmingly to take a stand against Bill 12, the Liberal act aimed at ending the limited job action undertaken by the B.C. Teachers Federation to put pressure on government to negotiate a collective agreement. The legislation, which is still being debated in the Legislature, rolls over the current collective agreement to June 30...

Front-line providers not allowed to tellThe gag order on front-line health care workers at St. Pauls Hospital is not an isolated case, says Health Sciences Association President Cindy Stewart.-Health care providers are afraid to speak out about the deteriorating conditions in the health care system. Conditions for patients are getting worse, and the health care professionals are under a gag...