Community Health Services and Support

B.C.s 13,000 workers covered by Community Health collective agreement have a tentative agreement for a new contract that includes pay increases, stronger employment security and contracting out protections, and measures to improve health and safety. -This is a good, solid settlement that meets the priorities set by community health workers," says George Heyman, president of the B.C. Government and Service...

Contract talks for community health workers went late into the night Tuesday, but negotiators for the multi-union community health bargaining association ran into a significant hurdle in our efforts to limit the number of jobs employers can contract out over the life of the agreement. As a result, talks adjourned in an effort to give both sides the chance to...

Negotiators for the multi-union community health bargaining association representing 13,000 workers say they are moving closer to achieving a tentative contract now that there's agreement with employers on important issues like wage-protected employees and superior benefits. In addition, the Health Employers Association of B.C. has dropped some concession demands such as a longer work week and poor bumping language. After...

On Wednesday, March 15, the Community Health Bargaining Association tabled a comprehensive package of proposals in an effort to facilitate movement towards agreement on a fair collective agreement. Download full version as PDF

It took them three days to respond, but in bargaining Monday evening the Health Employers Association of B.C. finally tabled counter offers on the key union priorities of wages and job security. Lori Horvat, an HSA representative on the Community Bargaining Association bargaining committee, said the employer tabled a job security package that they admitted they couldnt deliver on. And...

As contract talks for 13,000 community health workers get set to go through the weekend, HSA negotiators Charlie Wheat and Lori Horvat report that while small progress has been made in the past several days, health employers have still not moved on the key issues for front line workers.In an effort to jump start discussions, the multi-union bargaining association tabled...

Negotiators for workers covered by the Community Health Services and Support collective agreement say theyve reached agreement with employers on a package of important gains for casuals which represents a small step forward for an overall settlement in the sector. Download full version as PDF

Contract talks for 13,000 community health workers are focused thisweek on compensation issues as the unions outlined their plan for a fair pay boost along with measures to make up for lost ground.

Let's bargain through the weekend, unions urge.

The crucial issues of scheduling and hours of work for home support workers dominated negotiations with health employers as talks for a new contract for 13,000 community health employees resumed February 14 in Vancouver. Download full text as PDF