
Bargaining for a new Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association collective agreement resumed this week against the backdrop of a pessimistic pronouncement by BCs Minister of Finance, Hon. Mike de Jong, about the state of the provinces finances. Once again, a finance minister is revising predictions that called for a rosy future and sombrely telling British Columbians that the deficit is...

Join us at the Vancouver Art Gallery at noon on September 13 for a public rally. All HSA members are encouraged to attend, and to bring friends and family for a strong show of support for the bargaining issues and services that community social services workers provide.A poster and leaflet are available for download.- Download poster- Download leafletCommunity social services...

Negotiators for the Nurses Bargaining Association (BC Nurses Union, Health Sciences Association, Union of Psychiatric Nurses) have been working hard to achieve a new provincial contract that addresses members top priorities - improving patient care and patient safety through safe staffing and job security.The current bargaining session, which began on August 17, was scheduled to end August 31. Instead, bargaining...

Strike vote meetings for all unionized workers in the sector continue this week. In addition, some HSA members covered by the Community Health Services and Support contract will be voting by mail-in ballot. HSA President Reid Johnson urged members to vote YES to back fair and reasonable demands. -Community health services and support members deserve a fair wage increase and...

On Wednesday, September 5, the BC Government and Service Employees Union (BCGEU), Professional Employees Association (PEA) and Canadian Office & Professional Employees Union (COPE) local 378 will go on a one-day strike. Approximately 27,000 workers will strike to back their bargaining demands for a fair and reasonable contract. This will affect government offices, ICBC, and various public service sites in...

HSA members have rejected a proposal to increase union dues in order to offset an unfunded liability in a union long term disability plan.The proposal for a dues increase was rejected by a margin of 84% to 16%. More than 5,000 members ... or 30 per cent of the total membership ... participated in the vote.At the union's annual convention...

In an effort to kick-start contract talks for health science professionals, this week the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association tabled a comprehensive list of proposals ... with the exception of a wage proposal.-We made a valiant effort to move things along this week," said HSBBA chief negotiator Jeanne Meyers. -We tabled a comprehensive package of proposals for changes to the...

Labour Council Location/City Time Metro Vancouver Trout LakeVancouver, BC 11:30am ... 4:30pm Sunshine Coast Labour Council Gower Point RoadGibsons, BC 12pm ... 4pm Kamloops & District Labour Council Riverside Park BandshellLorne StreetKamloops, BC 11am ... 3pm Fraser Valley Labour Council Mill Lake Park(Bevan Rd. Entrance)Abbotsford, BC 11am ... 3pm Nanaimo, Duncan & District Labour Council Transfer Beach ParkTransfer Beach Blvd.Ladysmith...

Talks to renew the Community Health Services and Support provincial contract have adjourned and the unions will be conducting a strike vote. HSA President Reid Johnson said that after eight long months at the bargaining table, members in community health services and support deserve a fair and reasonable deal. -These workers provide crucial services in many community settings," he said...

Public rally on Sept. 13 in support of community social services With a strong strike mandate backing members demands for a fair deal in General Services and Community Living Services, the Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) will meet with employers on September 17 and 18. Potential job action is likely without a change in governments restrictive so-called -cooperative gains"...