Community Health Services and Support

Bargaining committee members, along with the committee members from other unions, have been bargaining for the last three weeks. Discussions are now on hold while we look at scheduling new dates, and we anticipate talks will resume in late October or early November. Since our last update, the employer has continued to resist most of the non-monetary language changes that...

For most of the last two weeks the HSA, along with seven other constituent unions of the CBA, has been at the bargaining table with the Health Employers’ Association of BC (HEABC) working towards a tentative agreement. We had hoped to have good news about progress but, unfortunately, we are not satisfied with where negotiations stand at this time. The...

Since pausing negotiations in June, six working groups made up of representatives from the union and employer side have been working to develop recommendations around new certifications, occupational health and safety, decolonizing the collective agreement and more. This work will now help streamline the bargaining process as the committee heads back to the table on September 12. As bargaining resumes...

The Health Employers’ Association of BC (HEABC) tabled their initial wage proposal for the Community Health agreement, and we are deeply disappointed. We need a significant investment in front-line workers to address the staffing crisis in community health and we won’t accept anything less. We expect challenging monetary negotiations, but the last weeks of bargaining have shown us that when...

The Community Bargaining Association (CBA) tabled proposals last week as talks began with the Health Employers’ Association of BC (HEABC). At this point in time, we are pushing to achieve non-monetary priorities that members identified as important measures to address the recruitment and retention crisis in the sector. The employer has recognized that we share some common goals. They are...

Essential Service Negotiations Chief Steward Workshop/Planning Time VARIOUS DATES: see options below TIME: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm LOCATION: Virtual – WebEx details to follow As preparations continue for negotiations for new collective agreements in the Health Science Professional Bargaining Association, Nurses’ Bargaining Association, and Community Bargaining Association collective agreements, HSA has scheduled education sessions for stewards to support the...

A message from HSA President Kane Tse Labour Day is usually a time spent reflecting on the past. We remember the contributions of working people, celebrate the many victories, and remind ourselves and the world of the importance of collective action.But this has been a very different year. We don’t have to recall the distant past to see the remarkable...

All HSA members covered by the Health Science Professionals, Community Health, Community Social Services and Nurses Bargaining Associations are now entitled to a statutory holiday held annually on September 30. This date marks National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, a moment to commemorate the tragic legacy of residential schools in Canada. The establishment of the national holiday is in response...

Health Sciences Association of BC has contracted Viewpoints Research to conduct an on line survey to explore members' priorities and concerns as your union begins negotiations for your next contract. Viewpoints Research an industry leader with 30 years of experience conducting research for unions and other progressive organizations. Using an experienced third-party professional research firm for this membership survey ensures...

HSA’s Board of Directors has voted unanimously to waive the union’s policy on collecting union dues on all employment income to exclude employment income earned under the Temporary Pandemic Pay announced May 19. All HSA members working under the HSPBA, CBA, and NBA collective agreements will receive pandemic pay at a rate of $4 an hour on all straight hours...