Contract negotiations

BC’s 22,000 specialized health professionals working in hospitals and communities around the province reached a tentative agreement late Wednesday night after more than nine months of negotiations between the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA) and Health Employers Association of BC (HEABC). Jeanne Meyers, Executive Director of Health Sciences Association of BC (HSA), is lead negotiator for the HSPBA. “We...

The CBA bargaining committee resumed negotiations with HEABC on October 19 – 21, 2022. We have made some progress and are close to resolving outstanding non-monetary matters and we’re currently working to reach an agreement on changes to hours of work in both Article 14 and 15. However, HEABC (on behalf of the Provincial government) has reiterated that their initial...

Since the resumption of negotiations at the end of September, the HSPBA Bargaining Committee has been working to advance measures to address recruitment, retention, shortage and workload issues which drive so many of the serious issues affecting the public health care system, the people who depend on it, and the professionals who keep it running. The employers remain resistant to...

After returning to the negotiations table in mid-September, talks continued over wages and compensation with a focus on making gains in the areas that members have mandated the bargaining committee to achieve in this round of bargaining. As it stands, the parties still do not agree on how to reach a tentative agreement that includes a fair and equitable compensation...

Bargaining committee members, along with the committee members from other unions, have been bargaining for the last three weeks. Discussions are now on hold while we look at scheduling new dates, and we anticipate talks will resume in late October or early November. Since our last update, the employer has continued to resist most of the non-monetary language changes that...

Update (December 2022) Subsequent to Arbitrator Hall’s decision (and monetary award to HSA) it quickly became clear that HEABC as the employer was determined to appeal the decision, delaying and perhaps preventing this money from benefiting members. During bargaining the parties agreed to consider the damage award to be annualized funding allocated to the classification redesign. This negotiated outcome replaced...

As negotiations for the new collective agreement continue, talks are heating up between the Community Social Services Bargaining Association and representatives of the employers’ association. This week, the Committee countered the employers’ wages and compensation offer. The Committee has heard loud and clear from members across the community social services sector that protection against the rising cost of living is...

Since pausing negotiations in June, six working groups made up of representatives from the union and employer side have been working to develop recommendations around new certifications, occupational health and safety, decolonizing the collective agreement and more. This work will now help streamline the bargaining process as the committee heads back to the table on September 12. As bargaining resumes...

HSPBA negotiations, led by HSA and conducted by professional negotiators, subject experts on labour relations issues, and members elected by their colleagues to bring front-line perspectives, were busy over the summer working through discussions at small group tables to address issues of health and safety. The resumption of full negotiations returns the focus of discussions to wider issues, including wage...

The nine-union Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) was back at the table in the first two weeks of August for further discussions with the Community Social Services Employers Association (CSSEA). The community social services sectoral agreements cover more than 17,000 unionized workers across the province and includes workers in the Community Living Services, General Services, and Indigenous Services sub-sectors...