Contract negotiations

Newest $3 million fund can be used to help you with training commenced between September 1, 2022 and August 31, 2023 Health Science Professional Bargaining Association members of Health Sciences Association are invited to apply for financial support from a new $3 million fund announced earlier this year. Eligibility Guidelines Professional Development Funding FAQs The funding, provided by the BC...

As reported last week, contract talks have broken off as of November 3. The current monetary offer by the Health Employers Association of BC is not sufficient to meet the core priorities established by the CBA bargaining committee. You can learn more here. It’s now important to hear from you so that your HSA representatives in discussions with the lead...

The nine-union Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) has not been back to the negotiations table since the last update that we shared with you in early November but we wanted to let you know what is happening with the negotiation of your new collective agreement in the Indigenous Services, General Services, and Community Living sub-sectors. As you know, we...

For almost 20 years, provincial governments in BC worked deliberately to drive down wages for specialized health professionals in BC. In many cases they succeeded, leaving health professionals earning some of the lowest wages relative to their colleagues across Canada. It was a misguided attempt to control health care costs; instead, it slowly undermined the health care system even before...

A delegation from the constituent unions of the CBA met with HEABC and a representative of the Public Sector Employers’ Council Secretariat (PSEC) on November 3, 2022. It was our goal to impress upon PSEC that the CBA was unable to meet the core priorities we had established based on the monetary offer we have received. In particular we outlined...

For almost 20 years, provincial governments in BC worked deliberately to drive down wages for specialized health professionals in BC. In many cases they succeeded, leaving health professionals earning some of the lowest wages relative to their colleagues across Canada. It was a misguided attempt to control health care costs; instead, it slowly undermined the health care system even before...

HSA’s representatives on the NBA bargaining committee met today to review the priorities set by HSA RPNs. Members first identified these priorities through the membership survey that members completed in the fall of 2021, and they were discussed further by delegates to the October 202 Bargaining Proposals Conference. They will join with a representative from HEU as well as the...

Collective bargaining resumed between the nine-union Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) and the provincial Community Social Services Employers’ Association (CSSEA) this past week to negotiate a new contract for 17,000 unionized workers in the sector. However, on Monday, talks were suspended after the latest proposal put forward by the employers’ association failed to meet the needs identified by workers...

BC’s 22,000 specialized health professionals working in hospitals and communities around the province reached a tentative agreement late Wednesday night after more than nine months of negotiations between the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA) and Health Employers Association of BC (HEABC). Jeanne Meyers, Executive Director of Health Sciences Association of BC (HSA), is lead negotiator for the HSPBA. “We...

The CBA bargaining committee resumed negotiations with HEABC on October 19 – 21, 2022. We have made some progress and are close to resolving outstanding non-monetary matters and we’re currently working to reach an agreement on changes to hours of work in both Article 14 and 15. However, HEABC (on behalf of the Provincial government) has reiterated that their initial...