Union Elections and Meetings

Delegates to HSA’s annual convention this morning voted to re-elect Kane Tse to serve as president for a second term. “All of you are what makes HSA the caring organization that it is,” Tse told delegates following the vote. “I couldn’t be more proud to be your president and have this precious opportunity for another two years. Our aim of...

This year, HSA will be offering a video stream of the proceedings of Convention 2023 to allow all HSA members the opportunity to tune in to observe registered delegates debate resolutions forwarded from HSA chapters across the province, and set the union’s course for the coming year at the union’s 52nd annual convention being held April 19-21 at the Hyatt...

HSA members are invited to join an online forum Thursday, April 13 to meet candidates for HSA President. Delegates to the union’s 52nd annual convention April 19-21 are eligible to vote in the election for president. The election is scheduled for Friday, April 21. The forum, hosted by the union’s Elections Committee, is an opportunity to hear from and ask...

HSA members have elected Sarah Kooner to serve a two-year term on the union’s board of directors representing Region 7, which includes worksites in the Fraser Valley. An Infant and Child Development Consultant at the Fraser Valley Child Development Centre since 2015, she is currently lead steward, and has served in steward roles advocating for members for four years. She...

Tomorrow, Saturday February 4, 2023, voting will open to elect the Director for Region 7. Two candidates have been nominated to represent HSA members who work in HSA Region 7 on the union’s board of directors. The two candidates in the election are Sarah Kooner and Sherry Lewis. Candidates’ statements are available on our website and on the online ballot...

Please be advised that Jas Giddha has withdrawn as a candidate for HSA Board of Directors Region 7 representative. Two candidates remain for the election: Sarah Kooner and Sherry Lewis. An all candidates’ meeting is set for Thursday, February 2, 7-8 p.m. Online voting opens February 4 and continues to February 12. Visit the election page on the HSA website...

Three candidates have been nominated to represent HSA members who work in HSA Region 7 on the union’s board of directors. The three candidates in the election are Jas Giddha, Sarah Kooner, and Sherry Lewis. Candidates’ statements will be available in the coming days on the HSA website at https://hsabc.org/about/board-directors/board-directors-election-2023 Candidate statements will also be included with voting credentials to...

Jill Slind will represent HSA members in Region 5 on the HSA Board of Directors after the deadline for nominations passed with no further nominations. A board member for the past two-year term, Slind has served on the Constitutional and Organizational Policies Committee, Elections Committee, Women’s Committee and the Resolutions Committee and Finance Committees. She also represents HSA on the...

Jing-Yi Ng will represent HSA members in Region 3 on the HSA Board of Directors after the deadline for nominations passed with no further nominations. A clinical pharmacist at Eagle Ridge Hospital, this is Ng’s second two-year term on the Board of Directors. She was appointed the union’s Secretary-Treasurer late last year and has served on several committees: Constitutional and...

Andrew Duarte will represent HSA members in Region 1 on the HSA Board of Directors after the deadline for nominations passed with no further nominations. Duarte is 36 years old and has been involved with various unions since his early 20s, and found his way to social work 6 years ago. He works for the John Howard Society of North...