
HSA REPORT, DECEMBER 2014 By Laura Busheikin There's no doubt that having to take time off work due to an injury or illness brings a multitude of challenges. Aside from the medical demands, there are forms to fill out and anxiety around getting the proper benefits. There are often feelings of isolation. There is the uncertainty of not knowing when...

HSA REPORT, DECEMBER 2014 by Dennis Blatchford, Pensions and Benefits Advocate I'm advised by Pacific Blue Cross that fertility drugs are not covered under the new 50 per cent cost share arrangement for non-PharmaCare formulary medications. Why are these drugs not covered? The agreement on the 50/50 cost share on non-PharmaCare formulary medications did not sweep in classes of drugs...

Please make a note of our contact information effective Jan. 5, 2015: Health Sciences Association of BC 180 East Columbia Street New Westminster, BC V3L 0G7 New Phone: 604 517 0994 / toll free 800 663 2017New Fax: 604 515 8889 / toll free 800 663 6119

A screen shot of the web site. On Monday, HSA launched a new series of ads designed to promote the work of our diverse professions. The series of five ads, appearing on radio stations across the province for the next six weeks, demonstrate how our many professions connect to each other, and how we connect the public to modern health...

RPN members are advised that the BCNU is taking advantage of an error made by Fraser Health Authority to try to raid members at Mission Memorial Hospital. Fraser Health Authority signed Mission Memorial members into the BCNU when they were first hired. This was in error, as RPNs at Mission Memorial are members of Health Sciences Association. FHA subsequently sent...

Ebola Backgrounder There has never been a case of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in Canada. In areas where Ebola is present, the virus can spread through: contact with infected animals contact with blood, body fluids or tissues of infected persons contact with contaminated medical equipment such as needles As long as appropriate precautions are taken, there is low risk of...

THE REPORT, OCTOBER 2014 BY VAL AVERY, PRESIDENT, HSA In early September, HSA learned that the BC Nurses' Union planned to execute a swift takeover of the Union of Psychiatric Nurses before moving on to actively raid HSA's registered psychiatric nurses. This means BCNU organizers will be approaching HSA members at work – and likely at home – and trying...

HSA REPORT, OCTOBER 2014 BY JEANNE MEYERS, LABOUR RELATIONS AND LEGAL SERVICES HSA members can count on extraordinary support from hundreds of stewards around the province, and many of you know them well. But the stewards themselves depend on a team of labour relations staff who many members will never meet. I'd like to shine a light on their work...

HSA REPORT, OCTOBER 2014 With the Union of Psychiatric Nurses now merging with the BC Nurses' Union, HSA is now the only union advocating for RPN issues at talks dominated by registered nurses and licensed practical nurses. While the majority of HSA members' contracts have been negotiated and ratified, the contract for HSA's RPN members is still under negotiations at...

In the next few days, you'll receive an invitation to participate in a process that is crucial to the future success of your union. Are you ready to take part? As announced earlier this month, HSA has launched an inclusive and comprehensive planning process to create a five-year strategic plan. The plan will be presented to membership at HSA's Annual...