
HELP COMMUNITIES AFFECTED BY WILDFIRE In communities across BC, thousands of people are suffering BC’s worst forest fire season in many years. Health care professionals, including members of HSA, have stepped up by asking how they can work to help their colleagues deliver health in affected regions. The Ministry of Health, working with HealthLink BC, has responded by creating a...

HSA REPORT MAGAZINE, JUNE 2017 Recognition of diversity is now essential to the health of our society and the strength of organizations. Today, leading institutions seek to understand the unique experience of their members in order to better represent and serve them. HSA has long sought to understand and respect the diversity of our members, and in March, almost 800...

HSA REPORT MAGAZINE, JUNE 2017 BY DENNIS BLATCHFORD HSA PENSIONS AND BENEFITS ADVOCATE I received HSA's recent clarification on payroll changes and the reference to members' long-term disability contributions now being directed to the new Joint Health Sciences Benefit Trust (JHSBT). Since the JHSBT is now receiving benefit contributions, I'm wondering what members might expect now. The new JHSBT did...

HSA’s registered psychiatric nurses are reminded again that as a result of a settlement reached under the Nurses Bargaining Association, members may submit receipts for registration or renewal of their college fees as proof of eligibility for damages payment by the Nurses Bargaining Association. The damages that are being put toward the fees paid to the CRPNBC arise out of...

The BC Nurses' Union has withdrawn its application to raid registered psychiatric nurses working at Vernon Jubilee Hospital. After RPN members of HSA had expressed a number of concerns about tactics being used by organizers from the Nurses' Union, HSA filed an unfair labour practice complaint with the BC Labour Relations Board. The LRB has ruled that the Nurses' Union...

To celebrate Canadian Nursing Week, May 8 to 14, Health Sciences Association has partnered with the Canadian Mental Health Association to offer a new workshop specifically for HSA Registered Psychiatric Nurses. Join us at the HSA head office in New Westminster, BC on Thursday, May 11 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm for this two-part workshop: Working Together to Address Workplace...

As the deadline for paying college registration fees approaches, HSA is advising RPN members to submit receipts for registration or renewal of their college fees as proof of eligibility for damages payment by the Nurses Bargaining Association. The damages that are being put toward the fees paid to the CRPNBC arise out of compensation paid by the employer for failure...

Printer-friendly version.Starting with the first pay period after February 1, 2017, most HSA members can expect a pay increase of 0.35% over and above the 5.5% increase rolling out over the life of the current contract. This increase is the result of the Economic Stability Dividend, a feature of the current agreement which requires the government to increase negotiated wages...

Important information about bc government changes that affect your drug coverage plan The BC Government has announced that the Reference Drug Program, which forms part of the provincial PharmaCare plan, will be expanding effective December 1, 2016. What this means for all HSA members who work under public sector contracts (HSPBA, NBA, CSSEA, CBA) is that some medications which are...

On Monday, the Vancouver Sun devoted front-page coverage to HSA's efforts to stop attacks on RPNs:… Abbotsford Regional Hospital has experienced 62 acts of violence against staff between 2008 and March 2015. That's when a nurse was savagely beaten in the ER, generating provincial media coverage. Fraser Health Authority responded with a review that led, in July 2015, to...