
The Health Sciences Association (HSA) and Professional Employees Association (PEA), the two unions that represent psychologists and psychometrists in BC's public health care system, welcome yesterday's Labour Relations Board (LRB) decision to deny a BC Nurses' Union (BCNU) application to further destabilize labour relations in BC's hospitals. The LRB dismissed BCNU's recent application to move some psychologists and psychometrists (testing...

A tentative agreement was reached today between the Health Employers' Bargaining Association and the Nurses' Bargaining Association.HSA represents 1,000 Registered Psychiatric Nurses covered by the agreement. The current collective agreement expired March 31, 2014. The new agreement covers April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2019.Highlights include modest wage increases of 5.5 per cent over five years, plus eligibility for an...

Talks between the Nurses Bargaining Association (NBA) and the Health Employers Association of BC (HEABC) for a new collective agreement are in high gear. A second week of intensive discussions between the parties is focused on resolving issues like job security and contracting out, fixing the Pharmacare tie-in, and integrating LPNs fully into the agreement. HSA’s two representatives at the...

HSA is aware that the BC Nurses Union is soliciting HSA members to apply for more than 1,500 nursing jobs announced jointly with the provincial government last week. The jobs are to replace the use of casual nurses and overtime to address staffing challenges in nursing across the province. While HSA has advocated for the creation of positions in the...

Last month over 50 RPNs from around BC came together for the RPN Summit on Workplace Violence at the HSA Head Office. Today, we’re releasing a video featuring HSA RPN members as they share their experiences with violence in the workplace. The day-long solutions oriented summit featured hands-on workshops and presentations on the Provincial Summit on Workplace Violence from...

We’ve released an urgent video from Jenny, an RPN at Royal Inland Hospital, to share her experience with the BCNU raiding last year. With this video we’re building further awareness about the risks and dangers that HSA RPN's and their patients are facing from BCNU activities. This week the BC Labour Relations Board issued a ruling again finding that BCNU...

Move to silence RPNs violates Articles of Association ordered by Labour Relations Board HSA today launched action on behalf of RPNs who are being excluded from BCNU-led negotiations for a new contract. HSA is making application to the Labour Relations Board for an order that bargaining not take place until RPNs are fully represented by HSA negotiators. HSA RPN members...

HSA REPORT MAGAZINE, OCTOBER 2015 "It got so bad I started to think about moving. I thought, If this is the way they were behaving towards me now, what were they going to be like if they were my union and I depended on them to represent me?" Jenny Orriss is calm and articulate when she tells the story, but...

HSA RPNs are encouraged to register for an upcoming one-day conference on violence in the health care sector September 16 presented by ProActive ReSolutions and WorkSafeBC.The conference, to be held in Vancouver at SFU – Harbour Centre, will focus on strengthening understanding of warning signs and risk factors for a wide range of violent behavior, and learning about best practices...

Just last week we were alerted to another instance of violence in the workplace. Another RPN was assaulted on the job. These situations are all too common. But violence in the workplace does not need to be inevitable. We know that workplace violence can be prevented with proper planning, protocols and procedures that involve meaningful input from frontline health care...